Can u tell if your cherry is popped?

i be merely wondering if you can tell

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In short - yes you can.

First things first 'cherry popped' is a really vulgar approach of describing when your hymen is broken, it is usually used by green boys who believe breaking your hymen is matching as taking your virginity and good opinion that as some sort of trophy – it's a pretty horrible instrument to address your own body.

Some girls aren't born next to hymens at adjectives and you may enjoy a thoroughly different hymen to what you might surmise or what you might consider regular, although general public say aloud your hymen breaking is raw that isn't other the luggage, it is purely as imagined to not be throbbing or even be pleasurable, you may own broken your hymen minus knowing.

You can see if your hymen is in tact or not by simply looking, try sitting comfortably and using a mirror to look at your vulva (external member of your genitals) to see the vaginal space.

The hymen is different from girl/woman to girl/woman but usually if surrounded by tact it will look approaching a ring of flesh around the initial to your vagina; where on earth as if broken it will look similar to flaps of skin around the vaginal first night.

There is a well-mannered site that shows similes, not photos, of the hymen so you know what to look for here - - if you want to see photos consequently try this site -

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when you chomp through an rime cream sundae, if the cherry is nice a round, it's probably not popped.

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yes u can

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Uh......yeah. You bleed.

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myself instinctively, i never bled the first time i have sex..the hymen can break only just by riding a bicycle. [the seat]. i asked the doc why i didn't bleed, and he said some family don't. lol it's not an actual piece that pops, basically a tough echelon of skin. :)

what dr.'s do to u when they check the smooth of your hormones?

Do you embezzle rohypnol next to your Friday night? How the f@ck can you not know if you are a virgin. Lets purely clear up that subsequent ask when you ask how to put in the picture if you are a moron. You most of course are.

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is soon as u are penitated ur are popped.

my breast size are different from 1 another 1 is bigger than d other.does dat anticipate i hav breast cancer?im 20?

What?? r u serious?? Of course you can put in the picture!

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If you bled when have sex for the first time next you most plausible torn the scrubby level of skin, popped the cherry. A Dr. can convey also

why..can i say aloud?

When a penis enter your vagina, you own lost your virginity or "popped your cherry" as you resembling to bid it. However, the hymen may already be torn beforehand due to regular exercise and undertakings.

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sometimes a touch bleeding... but after that, no man could relay unless he be a doctor doing the test.

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