Is spanking harmful?

I own be chatting to this really nice guy on the network and we are close to rendezvous up for the first time soon. BUT, he have merely said he is really into spanking. I be spanked repeatedly as a child and enjoy a bit of an issue next to it, it still sort of scare me. Is in that any medical problems beside man spanked? I be determined, can it do any stable mar? I don't really want to grant up on him, but his finishing message made it moderately clear that if I didn't agree to him he would enjoy a problem beside fulfilling himself in the bedroom? Help! He seem so nice and I don't want to lose out, Will it do me any mar? Should I filch a arbitrariness? Is near anything I can do to craft it easier to pilfer? He is so tremendously nice otherwise and this seem approaching a touch sacrafice on my segment? What does anyone regard as?

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Hi Catherine

I don't suppose nearby are any 'medical' issues unless the spanking is overly aggressive.

Many folks find spanking / bondage significantly erotic, but I'm sure that here are also culture that don't share matching scene.

IMHO - sex between two family improve the more you win to know your partner i.e what they resembling and what they don't similar to.

If somebody wishes you to indulge in bondage / spanking, please don't do it until you trust the party and you get the impression completely out of harm`s way surrounded by their company.

My one and only concern here, is that this guy have told you his desire earlier you've even met!

If you are going to run into this guy, produce sure your first discussion is surrounded by a highly public place - pub / club etc. And preserve an eye on your drink - not trying to upset you - google 'date rape' and you'll see lots of unpleasant stories.

Just proceed beside chariness - and don't consistency you own to craft sacrifice - if you don't approaching it - don't do it.


period cross-examine?

Spanking is not a doomed to failure point it in recent times is a personal edict. It is not for everyone.

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dont do anything you dont like-also he could be into whips>some like fetish stuff,sounds like its not your thing

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i would crack up laughing if my husband required to 'spank' me...are you sure he's a nice guy if he requirements to do that? - worthy some extent you than me!

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Seriously ditch the guy. If you enjoy to interview your own vigour contained by demand to please him later ditch him. Besides if you hold issues beside it and he loves it and can't get something done short it than neither of you will be in good spirits beside your sex lives. Get out beforehand you bring back any more involved. Besides... he's probably a freak anyhow. You should be wary seminar guys on the web.

Also, he could be trying the spanking article out to introduce you to something more hardcore. Beware.

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there is NO risk within spanking someone, besides the mental sabotage that could be done to you, since you have it done surrounded by an rude route as a child. Bottom strip is if you don't close to something sexually after don't do it. Period. If this guy doesn't grasp that later u shouldn't be giving him the time of morning, imo! It sounds similar to you stipulation to work on your self esteem for a moment bit, hon..

Also, EVERY guy have a freaky sex side (some minimal, others past its sell-by date the wall) -- even the nice ones, especially the "nice" ones, lol.

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it is his swing up not your and it is also YOUR BODY'
if anyone asked to spank me i suppose i would die of shock

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Assuming he only just money spanking, and isn't into whip (which can cut if used inexpertly), next no, it won't do you any long-term spoil. Most womanly rear are in good health pad and can appropriate any amount of spanking. At most you'll own a hot, stinging bottom for a few hours, which you may very well find pleasurable.

The single tip off, which he should know if he's into spanking, is that he shouldn't spank too lofty - no greater than the top of your butt-crack.

I'd disagree beside the respondent who say, "My solely concern here, is that this guy have told you his desire up to that time you've even met!" To me, it seem resembling a especially polite sign that he's be instigate in the region of this even formerly you've met. It suggests he's man honest and generous near you, and giving you a casual to fund rotten if it's something you really don't want.

If you do draw together and play, I'd suggest that you ask him to travel jammy beside you at first - spanking you lone beside his paw, lawfully weakly, and pause frequently to rub and stroke your bottom. That should oblige engineer it lovely for you, easier to steal and smaller amount upsetting. Later on, if you find you're getting into it - and it can be severely sexy - in that'll be plenty of time for harder spankings, implements, etc.

And agree a safeword near him, that you can use if it's really getting more than you can filch. (A absurdity word close to 'bananas' is best.) If you use it, he should stop at once.

Good luck!

Did I Concieve?

as long as he dosent hurt you later its ok and he stops when you want him to!

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Trust your instincts...if you own reservations roughly scheduled time him surrounded by creature afterwards DON'T. Just resembling another guest already stated, spanking is HIS fetish, not yours. If he cannot respect that, it's his issue.

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if he is into spanking and it's a big business deal for him and you're not into it and you hold childhood issues beside it afterwards i don't reflect you should even bother rendezvous up. it is destined to be in motion wrong from the start. be warn. within are plenty of other guys around. loaf awhile.

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Don't scarafice merely to do what he desires, but do experiment next to what he like.

I'm a 'nice guy' who relations would never guess is into spanking - some relatives basically close to it. Don't do anything you aren't comfortable next to. If he is a nice guy, he'll be nice almost introducing you to his love of spanking and be ready to stop if you don't close to it.

Spankings as a child and as an grown are two highly different things. I'm sure when you be spanked as a child you didn't hold any bedroom type topics on your mind.

If he can't be beside you w/o spanking and you can't relish the spankings - consequently you'll own to verbs or he'll own to grant surrounded by and make a contribution it up. It might be worth a try, basically ask him to pocket it slow and undemanding, tolerate him know your concerns. If he is as nice as you give attention to this won't be a problem.
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