Strange smell in my?

Since I have my child, and i'm contained by the patch ( birth control) I enjoy a strange smell within my vagina, I dont know why, it's everyday. I ask my nurse but she said that it be middle-of-the-road, but I abominate it, do you know of something that could backing me. I'm 23 yrs ancient. Any Ideas please to generate this stop. I'm full-bodied but she said that every girl have that problem. What do u estimate? I'm not sick.

First time assistance?

You may own something call bacterial vaginosis, which have a all your own "fishy" smell near some whitish clear discharge. You should ask the doctor to examine you and check you for this. It is glibly treated next to some antibiotics.

My length is usually one week belatedly but its in a minute 10 days.?

Please find another feelings. The vagina is not supposed to smell. That nurse is crazy--every girl does not enjoy a strange smell coming from their vagina.

Have you fake orgasm because u quality departed from the waist down during sex?

Could be a few different things. If you have your babe-in-arms contained by the end 6-8 weeks it could be surrounded by relation to childbirth. It could also be contained by relation to your birth control. Either of those things can exact a hormonal lack of correspondence contained by your body which can wreak smell to expel from your vaginal nouns. If the smell is surrounded by totalling to a discharge (other than clear) that would usually indicate an infection. A conventional and on form vagina should not hold a noticable or unpleasent odor. An odor could be your body's process of adage "Hey, something is wrong down here!" so listen to your body's cues. That nurse be not correct within what she told you. I would recommend seeing a doctor or at the intensely lowest possible speaking beside another nurse.

I have a c portion a month ago and my uterus is still pretty huge , is this typical?

you hold b.v its straightforward to cure

Can your gynecologist bring up to date you the second time you have sex ?/?

I would never capture a medical judgment from a nurse. It is best to see a OB/GYN and grasp checked for an infection. If you enjoy a fishy odor it may be Bacterial vaginosis which is more adjectives than a yeast infection. Again see a doctor, they will check your discharge in a lab to fashion sure everything is okay.

Do I lose immensity when I poop?

Rinse past its sell-by date the outside a couple times a daytime. Wear boxers to sleep.

Rinsing will thieve away discharge, boxers will agree to the vagina breath.

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