Wat is the best deoderant?

i sweat a LOT i enjoy tried a bunch of different deo's wat generous do u suggest thanx

Period problems*help girls*?

GO to Wal-Mart, contained by the Deo piece near is a product call unquestionable dri ($5)...this stuff is awesome, you use your regular deo next to it. Follow the directions and honey, you will not sweat!! Took me years to find this stuff. I close to the Degree for women to walk along next to it.

What could be wrong beside my bladder?

Ban works pretty worthy and have like mad of great scent :)

Whats the average age to get hold of your interval?

ban and suave

after first newborn you own strech grades and your breast is not too firming approaching it use to be. what do you do?

i prefer female's speed stick or dove

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About your term..?

Certain Dri works great =) I use it because I tend to sweat profoundly, too. You can catch it at Rite-Aid.
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