Cervical Smear?
Answers: Your smear shows that you might own the HPV virus (Human palliloma virus). This is the virus, which if left untreated have the potential over a number of years, to develop into cervical cancer. It also have the potential to go away with ease with your immune system. It isn't clear from this smear which opening it will go. Therefore within 6 months time you will have to be monitored again. It may hold developed into cell change, or simply gone. If cell correction has occured, you may necessitate a simple operation to destroy the cell. Don't worry thousands of women own the virus, and have the potential to develop it, if you hold ever had sex.
As long as the virus is monitored I'm sure you will be fine
it technique that some of the cells may be borderline pre-cancerous, nil to worry going on for, I have have a borderline smear before and go back 6mths following and all be ok. Good luck It could mean you any have or transport the virus for genital warts.
It sounds approaching you tested positive for human papilloma virus (HPV). It is a virus that causes genital wart and has be shown to cause cervical cancer. You may own shown some suspicious cells contained by your cervical smear. This should be monitored closely, which it sounds like your gynecologist is doing.