If untreated can u die from having a irregular period?

my time have be on for three weeks in a minute, i hold be experiencing tiredness,sore, and peeing alot.

How long can you bleed for or spot for after a smear question paper?

Well when you bleed alot you will have a feeling tired from the blood loss. The sore is probably soreness and the just method to pee alot is to drink alot. If you verbs to bleed Consult your doctor for further instruction. Having an irregular term will not wipe out you although what is cause it might! so if it doesnt stop inside the subsequent 2-3 days consult your doctor. Although womenanswers.org can relief for a moment bit, It doesnt expect we are adjectives doctors and cana serve or treat you properly!

Why can't I ever swallow pills?

i don't belive so

WOMEN ONLY PLEASE..Has anyone have a vaginal odor from Effexor (anti-depressant)?

no, it wont murder u but it sounds resembling more than one entity may be goin on
u might own a bladder infection and later bleeding so much can grounds u to be anemic- which would produce u tired, achy, etc.
be in motion to a gyno and take it checked out


if you own bleeding seriously for 3 weeks in a minute, after yes you obligation to probably start taking birth control pills to regular your period.
also if you are not planning on taking anything and going near the process it is going, you probably will want to start taking iron supplements, or regular multi vitamin pills.
you touch tired because you enjoy lost profusely of blood and cutback blood will brand you tired and hurt as capably.
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