Girls when did u get your interval?

i was only wondering because i am almost 15 and i haven't gotten mine yet!

Irregular Periods?

I get mine at the end of 8th status. Not too exciting though. lol :p You didnt get yours because you are underweight you skinny gurllieee! hehe luv yaaa

Uhhhh damn birth control.?


I'm 30 and I own not had a extent in 6 mos?

9 no kid i was so disgusted

Does anyone know how long UTI take before symptoms crop up?

im almost 15 too and dont have it

Sex within between doses morning after pill?

11. I think. I know it be fifth grade.

What to do just about Birth Control?!?

I am 12 and I haven't had mine but. You could be under shipment, though.

Can this cause losing virginity?

i get mine when i was 13 going into my freshmen year of high-ranking school. don't verbs about not have one, you'll have it for the rest of your enthusiasm so enjoy not have one while you can! (:

72 hour PILL?

i didnt get mine til 16

I find some solidity inside my breast , which disappears after taking Vitamine-E or, Danazole.what it is ?

I think I be 13

Does anyone know how to increase breast size without surgery?


Amenorrhea, should I be worried?

I am 11 and I get mine today! No joke!

Old remedies for breast growth?

thats kinda personal.but I stated my interval when I was nine.If you don't carry it by the time your 15 it's NOT NORMAL...

Can women get orgasms from exercising? What exercises? My Friends enunciate it's true, but i dont believe them.?

I got mine shortly after I turned 14. I'm 15 very soon, it's it's not even regular. If you've ever gotten it though, even once, it counts, people sometimes don't attain it for up to a year after their first time. Don't worry though, it's conventional to not get it when your infantile, everyone is different. A lot of times, if your thin or underweight, or athletic, you find it late. Or if your not, you can receive it late too. Don't verbs, it'll come.

Post partem/ please help?


What is the best track to gain normal freight?

I didn't get mine until I be 17, it will come in time,it take longer for some girls and some girls get it really untimely, you don't need to verbs if you haven't gotten yours at the age of 15 ,it will come

Novocaine or not?

most girls have their period at around age 12... so mabey it would be contained by your best interest to consider the posibility of being a man/transvestite. consult your local doctor to determine if your parents perform a sex change on you when u be an infant... jsut check

How do i make my butt,hip,and thighs bigger swiftly ?

It was soon after my 10th birthday. Don't worry it should start soon. If for some judgment it doesn't and you feel humiliated talk to a gyn dr in the region of it, could be hormone unbalance. Some society just start following.

Menopause is when a women stops her period right?

I be 10! I was surrounded by the 6th grade. Don't verbs though, you are still in the norm.
"The menstrual cycle usually begin in the impulsive teens, between the ages of 11 and 15, although some girls begin sooner or later."

I'm going to bed . . . my pms is so strong this monthI can't even concentrate on my typing economically . . .

I was a few weeks shy of 13, but my sister didn't bring hers until she was almost 16. Don't verbs.

Very odd. Um, is it average?

I was 8, almost 9. I remember mortal so embarrassed by it. For the longest time I would never communicate anyone when I first got it, but presently I don't care who know.

What exercise can you do to make you vagina tight?

I didn't bring back mine until I was a moment ago 15. I was a unsettled bloomer too. Don't worry, it will come, organized or not (or like it or not LOL!)

Good luck!

Cramps on my right side fundamental my stomachdont know y?

Do not worry give or take a few too much. I was almost 16 when I have my first period. Talk to your parents around your concerns and might see fit to take you to the doctor and hold examied and phtsical done on you. Ask your mother how old she be when she had her first length.

What is a healthy mass for a 5'1 female?

i be 13

What happens when you pop your cherry?

Nearly 12. But don't verbs; I've heard of girls not getting their interval until they're 19! After all, a waited-for interval never comes...

Period/pregnancy ?

12. don't worry. once you achieve it. you'll hate it and longing it never happened.

Why hasent my length come?

On my 11th birthday... no fun.

Does the birth control pill cause pregnancy symptoms or could I be pregnant?

I first get my period when I be 12 (a month before my 13th birthday). It be horrible. But don't be in too much of a rush to go and get your period, hold all the time that you necessitate and enjoy yourself while you are youthful. A period is freshly one more article to worry roughly speaking each month. So don't stress out.

What is the grandaddy of adjectives sex questions?

I get mine 2 weeks exactly after I turned 13...

How do i make my boobs not saggy?

I be in 8th category; jumping on a trampoline during gym class.

I hadn't really chock-full out physically either, but that summer my body changed BIG time. When the spanking new school year begin; I had a knock-out numeral. Some kids at school didn't even endorse me!

Maybe you're just a delayed bloomer. Did your Mom start at your age? Are you dieting? Poor nutrition may cause your extent to not start.
This summer may be your time to BLOOM! Some people a short time ago mature slower than others. This is Not a fruitless thing.
Respect yourself and your body and you'll be newly fine.

If you are still worried; talk to your Mom almost seeing a gynocoligist.

Anemia and Periods- Why am I so lightheaded?

I was almost 14.

It at hand any type of condom that makes sex better?

I'm 14, and I get my period when I be 12

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