I'm 30 and I have not have a period surrounded by 6 mos?

I had a tumor on disappeared ovary they took it out 3 yrs ago. I have blotch tissue, endemetocist, cyst on left ovary and fibroids.

IUD query?

if ur not pregnant u may be going through metopause. Go see a doctor and find out whats going on okay

I think i enjoy Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome. could i get rid of it?

Thats ok, my mother conceived and borned 3 children on 1/4th of 1 ovary! Yoy could be pregnant. Better run and budge grab a pregnancy assessment. You might wanna head to the ob/gyn too. Perhaps it is really really impulsive menopause!

Snoring at seventeen?

You need to discuss this next to a doctor. It does not sound commonplace. The cyst may have recur or any other conditions may be present. Let the doctor run some routine tests.

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I can't speak from experience, but my sister have very irregular period, they come several months apart. My other sister had cyst rupture on ovaries and it did not affect her cycle. I pinch it you have already ruled out the obvious-pregnancy? Return to the doctor who treated you for your other problems. Or enjoy you and they are telling you it is DUB-or unexplained?

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