Post partem/ please assistance?

i am 23. i have a 2 yr matured son, and 4 1/2 month old
daughter.i had depression adjectives my life. attempted suicide at age 16. post partem beside no help after son. i be a military cop. my husband worked nights. i have no friends or family where on earth we were. no give support to from my husband. i gained plentifully of weight. we get out of the military. i lost all the weightiness and got pregnant again. moved to va. husband is immediately a cop. i stay at home. no friends or family here. have second baby three weeks impulsive. severe post partem. i was dissapointed in my
babe. i breastfed to make a bond and it be hard. i love her and we finally bonded. she hate being away from me. i get bad nouns, irritability, my 2 yr old angers me so desperate i could pull out my quill. i feel sooooooo depressed. im achievement weight. i go on 50 mg zoloft and it took away hostility. i get in director on accident and for some root depression, hostility, anger, frusteration, irritability, gloom, is back. i love my kids and would never hurt them/me.

Have a big problem?????

yes, it is adjectives for women to have post partem depression

you can try to take a pet, a dog can relieve some of the stress you have, it can bring happiness

you can also be in motion see a doctor, he may give you some anti depression drugs

also you should do some exercising whenever you can, that will maintain your brain chemicals balanced

Is it middle-of-the-road for a period to final almost one month?

Change brings on many unwanted sensations, and everytime you are turning around you are changing, catch a journal, write within it everyday, find someone to chat with even if it's on the computer, return with fresh air every morning, appropriate the kids outside especially in the morning, the morning nouns fixes almost all ailments. Make a calendar for the kids and stick to it, by doing this you will allow yourself time to get some things done for yourself. Remember you are not alone here, I have be thru this, your mom, your bestfriend, and your worst enemy, we adjectives have be there, if you ever want someone to chat with contact me. Never bestow up, becuase how you feel today may not be like way you will consistency tomorrow.

My friend stole my ipod!!?

You need a friend and a break. Do you ever acquire a chance to hold time to yourself? I have four kids and go through something similar to your situation. I had severe post partem depression after my second child. My doc didn't listen and it go untreated throughout my third pregnancy. Finally, I got some anti-depressants which turned out to be horrible for me (Paxil CR...contemplated suicide, other side effects). Anyway, facilitate from friends and family and a better anti depressant help me. I also write in a review daily...believe it or not, it does serve. If you want an email buddy, I'd be glad to let you vent via email! lol [email protected]

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