72 hour PILL?

I started birth control pills 3 days ago. However, last hours of darkness I had unprotected sex. I know my birth control pills probably aren't decisive yet. Should I shift to Planned Parenthood and get the 72 hour pill?

Are you not supposed to be "spotting" upon a call on to the gyno?

No. as far as i know, you shouldn't take Plan b when you already hold birth control in your system. I don't know what to narrate you. Why don't you just telephone call planned parenthood and ask if in that is anything you can do. Is it that hard to enjoy condoms around for that first month so you can get regulated?

Swimming beside period?

That would be the safest passageway... But you aren't supposed to use it as an excuse to have unprotected sex. But trust me... it individual takes one time! So I would capture the EC pill. In some states it is behind the counter at the pharmacy too.

I have sex for the first time it is HELL i wish it never happen?

That was unbelievably stupid of you to put your condition at risk like that, permit alone risking a pregnancy!

Pills are not fool-proof either!

At this point, yes, draw from the Plan B.

Birth Control?


What is the deal near guys and boobs? Lol.?

the best thing would be to name up to the local planned parent hood and ask them if that would be your best option. They will permit you know if its ok to take birth control and transport the morning after pill. Whatever you do..do not wait too long.. you will increase the likelihood of becoming pregnant...
call immediately!

You'll be glad you did.

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