Amenorrhea, should I be worried?

I haven't gotten my period within almost 3 months. I'm a long distance runner and I read that it can happen to women that exercise too much. I read that I could hold bone density problems or something if it continues. I don't know whether I should just hang around it out or if it's worth seeing a doctor about it. It's probably simply from the exercise and stress.

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It's definitely worth seeing a doctor more or less. Menstrual periods stop after excessive exercise or sudden freight loss.It can affect having kids contained by the future if it persist, so it's better to get it treated right away.
It might be a situation of changing your exercise routine. You can also appropriate pills such as birth control to regulate it.

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Extreme athletic stress will mess up a woman's cycles. Stop stressing yourself like that! Your body is trying to relate you something.

Irregular period, blood spots contained by white discharge, and pregnancy symptoms?

i say you should see a doctor, but iv hear that people that exercise more acquire their periods smaller amount often. and mybe you could slow down on the exercise alittle bit too because the more yuo exercise the faster it comes out, and resourcefully, maybe you of late got rid of it adjectives.

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It could be that your pyrethium is not functioning as it should. The jostle of running can cause it to be in motion into partial dormancy. Although it generally is not serious, in that can be side effects such as enhanced body and facial hair growth, and slight sensitivity to bright light.

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