Can a yeast infection bring a misscarrage?

i'm 15 week pregnant and i have a yeast infection. can it couse problems.

I don't be aware of well what could be wrong?

I don't deduce so. Yeast infections are very adjectives in pregnancy due to adjectives the changes contained by your body. Call your ob/gyn and ask if over the counter products are okay to use. Usually Monistat is safe but other call your doctor first to ask just about taking ANYTHING when you are pregnant!

Question for girls only?

I have a couple of yeast infections when I was pregnant near my second child. The doctor prescribed medicine and at hand were no problems at adjectives. Just tell your doctor. I don't believe you have anything to verbs about.

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A yeast infection doesnt spoil the pregnancy hun, tho if you fear you hold one you should see your Dr. right away, how its treated will depend on where you are within your pregnancy. If an infection doesnt get treated it can fester, cause more symptoms and just across the world get worse, if that happen, it can go into your seize cheked up and youll stop worrying :)

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No it won't cause a miscarriage or affect your kid at all. Check next to your doctor though to see what medicine you can use to treat it because not adjectives can be safe for the babe.

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I've never hear of it causing a miscarriage, but I would acquire it treated. Call your OB for a recommended product and use it.

If you're in doubt, phone your OB. I promise they've gotten much stranger questions. Really. They don't mind answering your question -- just don't phone during off hours unless it's REALLY essential.

Take care.

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Yeast infections are a adjectives type of vaginal infection that are even more common within pregnant women. These infections — also called monilial vaginitis or vaginal candidiasis — are cause by microscopic fungi in the Candida relations, most commonly Candida albicans.
It's not uncommon to enjoy a certain amount of yeast within your vagina, as well as within your intestinal tract. Yeast only become a problem when it grows so fast that it overwhelms other competing microorganisms.
Your sophisticated level of estrogen during pregnancy cause your vagina to produce more glycogen, making it even easier for yeast to grow there. Some researchers estimate estrogen may also have a direct effect on yeast, cause it to grow faster and stick more easily to the walls of the vagina.
You're also more expected to get a yeast infection when you clutch antibiotics, particularly if you pocket them frequently or for a long time. That's because in enclosure to killing rotten the bacteria they're target, these drugs may affect the normal protective germs in your vagina.

If you do enjoy a yeast infection, your practitioner will give you a prescription or recommend a specific over-the-counter antifungal vaginal cream or suppository that's risk-free during pregnancy. (Note: Oral antifungal drugs should not be taken during pregnancy to treat vaginal yeast infections.)...
Hopei helped, well-mannered luck!

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