Well first of all I'm 16 and I only just ever get me term.i think i probably enjoy PCOS or some cysts on my ovaries...
i had sex 2 days ago and yesterday i peed and i wipe and it was's the morning and i wolk up and it's still similar to that..
I haven't had my length since January

could someone help me out purely a little please..

Please facilitate me?

It's old blood. Sometimes, your body will run a bit longer to fully get rid of the departed over blood.

And your late length is normal for your age, but I'd take it checked out. If you aren't sexually active (means you've have sex), then you might own a syst on your ovaries (a small growth). This is normal and it happen to most all women. I wouldn't verbs too much if your not sexualy active. However if you are, step ahead and see the doctor and see if he can't give you an ultra-sound , freshly to make sure your okay.

Good Luck!

Past few days I enjoy been have palpitation type movements in lower right belly.What are causes of this?


I miss oodles periods contained by a row I'm 18 and a virgin so I can't be pregnant why am I missing so many?

It could be elderly blood, or it could be a infection.
You should see your doctor. If any is on your underwear, take them along near you so the doctor can tell you exactly what's wrong beside you.

Period.plz only girls?

It could be some antediluvian period blood.Sex could hold tapped your Uterus and dislodged it.

What are some individuals's experiences with NuvaRing? Good and unpromising?

it is ok, is old blood. hope your using protection against aids, stds and pregnancy.

i am womanly 38 and losing my hair. my mother have almost no hair on her scalp at 58. any suggestions please?

Could hold a tampon caught up within. That happened to my chick. It can be life-threatening if not treated.

What is your feelings of a "fruity" body order?

It's probably slightly cut you whilst you be having sex and the blood be old blood from after. Either that or you're pregnant an it is an implantation bleed...unlikely though since it normally take slightly longer i think.

When is it "OK" to start shaving "down there"?

brown discharge? ur shiting out the wrong hole

Question roughly Birth Control Pill?

ya well i'm 13 and i have a sex ed class this year and last yeaR and the woman said this"if ur pee looks like tea u own STD'S" sorry but you may have std's not 2 upset u or anything but u should get that checked by ur doctor!**hope u the best of luck**

What would motivation me to bleed two weeks before length?

hi you are may be nerves or have some trouble , may be the hormones is not flawless

I love my womanly shape and hate it too?

I have the same entry when I was your age. That is your extent. That is usually how it starts in the commencement. My period be very irregular for years, my Dr. put me on birth control pills to attain it regular. After some time it became regular and just lasted a few days. Go see you Gynecologist and he/she will know how to get your cycle regular. Don't stress yourself over this your fine...I hope you used protection when you have sex. VD's are everywhere. And it only take one time to get them or to become pregnant.

Is My Period Normal??Please Read The Details?

if it stinks its a std if it may be old blood i have that problem but i had an tubal pregnancy

I constantly get hold of ingrown hairs. What cause them and what can I do about them?

You enjoy a STD go to the doctor to find out which one and stop have sex until it's cleared up. I think it's gonorrhea mixed near chlamydia or something. Check for herpes to because although it doesn't affect your discharge you just might hold it also. Please go to the doctor and fix you multiple STD's beforehand you have sex again. Condom don't stop the spread of herpes and thy also burst so disease vaginal discharge can still capture to you partner, also most people don't use a condom right so they spread STD's anyways. condom if used correctly can stop the spread of STD's although here not 100 percent. If your scared to make clear to your parents try a free clinic somewhere there they probably a moment ago give you assistance without involving your parents. Oh, yeah if you own an STD you also have to check for HIV as a precaution because it is one of the more adjectives STD's.

I have an IUD, why am I have problems?

It is probably old blood. When you enjoy sex, it obviously creates discharge. If you are going on for to have a interval or you just did, this discharge brings down the feeble blood.

Please use protection when having sex! You know nearby are more things to worry more or less than babies. Also, when you become sexually active, you should stop by a gynecologist to begin your twelve-monthly exam.

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