Ive been sleeping a lot lately?

im normally a sleeper, but ive be sleeping A LOT lately. more than i used to before, atleast. i know im not depressed or anything because ably.. im just not ahah. i notice this during hte past week.. im not sure if my spell is coming soon or not but is there an explanation to this, should i dance to the doctor?

I have be told that my IUD has fall out, how can I not have notice?

Could be lack of iron, or you could in actual fact be depressed, you don't have to know you are depressed to in actual fact be depressed, or pregnant.

lichen planus ? can some body tell m how unfavourable it is,,,,is it can be couse of death?

You are pregnant!

Anyone be diagnosed with PMDD?

You could be anemic. Its a low smooth of iron in your blood and it make you tired.

Are women who have doomed to failure PMT any more likely to take post natal depression?

if u did it u now wats coming. drop by a doc for more info on wat u have

Is this true something like periods?

...ooooor.. you could lately be going through a phase.
how old r u?
basically like babies... teens will run through stages where they stipulation more sleep than usual due to growth.

there are so tons reasons... serious and not.

I would at most minuscule call a doctor. they will own the right questions to ask.

Anyone have a TUMMY TUCK?

i've been going thru impossible to tell apart thing latley.i'm going to cause an appointment with my doctor on monday.i'm tired adjectives the time. i slept 12hours last hours of darkness and i was still tired when i get up.i've also had the flu for give or take a few 2 weeks.this past week i feel better,no nasuea,headache and such,but im soo freakin tired still

rash in mons area.?

Well near is not much the doctor would be able to do, for adjectives you know is that your sleeping more. It could be a factor of many things. Like your bed, it might not be comfortable ample and you find yourself tossing and turning. Is there anything on your mind? Many factor could cause this. For immediately just maintain a eye on it, but if you notice that zilch you do changes how you sleep, or it get worse where you sleeping even more, consequently I'll go see a doctor. Until later just rest and chomp through good food none of that swiftly food crap.

Good luck.

Getting off birth control (sorry, I know I in recent times asked, I wanted to clarify)?

maybe you are masturbating too much

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