Birth control...?

Okay first of all I asked a legit question on here. And they said it be a violation! How lame!...

But anyway.

Hi...I only just turned 18, and my mom doesn't know that I'm sexually active. I'd a bit keep it that path and not get preggers, you know? But I don't know ANYTHING almost birth control. Or what types of birth control there are or where on earth or how to get them. Is within anything I can get over-the-counter that will work, or do I own to get a doctor's appoint.? I'd similar to to avoid the doctor because that way my mom would find out, and I basically would rather not own her kill me for it. What types of birth control are at hand? What works best? So far all I've be depending on are condoms...and people report to me that's not very out of danger...I want to feel sheltered. Can anyone help me?

My friends other tese me about the size of my brests! im a 32A and im 13. is this a commonplace size?

Oh sweetheart...I know how you feel. You in recent times turned 18...legally make you an adult. At this point, you enjoy transitioned from a girl to a young woman. With human being an adult comes grown responsibilities. My mother is full Korean. Korean mothers have the reputation of self violent when angry. I be scared, too. I told my mother...I sit her down and said, "Mom, I know I'm always going to be your babe. I know you want what's best for me, but I have be making my own decisions and I necessitate help." I next told her that I was sexually helpful. She sat silent for a minute and asked me nearly what I was doing for birth control. I informed her that my partner be using condoms...sometimes nothing. She next told me that she loved me, our relationship grew immensely when she saw that I trusted her. If you feel that you can't give an account you mother something that she probably already knows (Mothers can other tell...ALWAYS.), going to the doctor is the best channel. You are 18 and an adult. Doctor to tolerant confidentiality is MANDATORY. When I was 18, the doc wouldn't release any information something like me...not to my mother or anything. I believe the age is 16 now. No issue what, the doc cannot tell anyone what you come to see her for. I personally use the NuvaRing. It works wonderfully. And not a soul knows it's near except for YOU! Look into it. ( Please be careful and go over talking this over beside your mom. She is your best friend in this satchel and you may need her down the road. I did.

IUD's are solely given to women who have given birth already.

The Patch have had so lots adverse side effects, they have be taken off the flea market.

The pill is effective, but can be forgotten.

Condoms are really effective.

NuvaRing is a dream come true.

They no longer vend the sponge.

VCF (vaginal contraceptive film) is not very impressive.

Diaphragms are not recommended anymore.

Help plss i involve to know this soon?

best birth control is kick him really complex in the nuts

Average echelon for a 16 year old girl?

condoms. If you are 18 you don't habve to consent to mom know.

Is this depo going to get out of my system soon?

If your 18 the local planned maternity will help u ur mom doesnt requirement to know. Take birth control pills they are the safest as far as im concerned.

What comes out when a woman comes during sexual intercourse?

go to planned parenthood. confidential.

the pill totally messes near your emotions after a few months. you're taking massive amounts of hormones that will interfere near your mood and the way you counter to things. might want to think of adjectives the side affects before you lift it. it might not be worth it.

talk to the PP doctors more or less a low-dose hormone pill.

I started my period a long time ago, and i havent told my mom.?

You can get hold of free or cheap birth control from your county's health department. I do believe you hold to have a doc appointment even for that though. ( I be trying to do the same piece when I was 17, very soon I realize I really should have in recent times been honest next to her though. You're 18 though.. you're grown up enough to know what you're doing. I doubt she'd own a problem with it. (Unless your mom is a short time ago super super strict) but even then.. the most she could do is see you out or something.

I heard that taking prenatal vitamins help promote hair and pin growth. how true is this?

well i have be on the orthra evra pill and the patch for bithcontrol and they worked for me. well i newly told my mom and i got on it. But if you enjoy a Planned Parenthood near you produce and apt and go nearby. they are very useful and they will keep it a secretive. but you need lik $30 to buy the pills. but thats better than spending thousands on a child. i hope this help ya

Swimming in tampons-good idea?

Birth control pills work mostly by preventing ovulation (the release of an egg by the ovaries). Most pills are made of two hormones call estrogen and progestin. For the pill to work, you have to pilfer it every day.

Some adjectives side effects of birth control pills are nausea, headaches, breast swelling, hose down retention, weight gain and depression. The pill may exhaust cramping and shorten the number of days of bleeding during the menstrual period. The pill may also oblige premenstrual syndrome (PMS). Women who take the pill should not smoke.
The hormonal birth control patch (brand autograph: Ortho Evra) uses estrogen and progestin to prevent pregnancy. It is applied to 1 of 4 places -- the buttocks, abdomen, upper torso or outer arm. The patch is used on a 4-week cycle. You put on a current patch once a week for 3 weeks. During the 4th week, you don't use a patch, and your period will start.

The patch's side effects are similar to those of the pill. Women who use the patch should not smoke.

The vaginal contraceptive ring (brand signature: NuvaRing) is a thin, flexible ring i.e. inserted into the vagina. It releases hormones that keep you from getting pregnant. These hormones are matching ones used in most birth control pills. The ring is gone in the vagina for 3 weeks. It doesn't hold to be in a specific position within the vagina. After 3 weeks, you remove the ring, and your period will start. After 7 days, you insert a tentative ring.

If the ring is out of your vagina for more than 3 hours, it may not work effectively when you put it back contained by. To protect against pregnancy, you will need to use another form of birth control until the ring have been surrounded by all the time for 7 days surrounded by a row.

Women who use the vaginal ring should not smoke.

"IUD" stands for "intrauterine device." An IUD is put in a woman's uterus by her doctor. It's made of flexible plastic. It isn't known exactly how IUDs prevent pregnancy. They appear to stop sperm from reaching the egg or prevent the egg from attaching to the uterus.

Some IUDs used in the past be related to serious health problems. Today IUDs are safer, but they still hold some risks. Most doctors prefer to use IUDs only within women who have already have a baby. Side effects of IUDs include heavier bleeding and stronger cramps during period.


well theres not OTC birth control pill except condoms u would have to stir to the doctor or a health clinic for the birth control pills. and they come if different types from shot which ultimate for 3 months at a time if ur not good at remembering to filch a pill every day. consequently u have the nuvaring which is inserted inside the vagina, later u have the patch and unsurprisingly the pill.and since ur 18 u r an adult so they cant convey ur mom..they could not tell her anyway that would walk against patient confidentially. but no form of birth control is 100% undamaging. so u to be extra safe other take a pill or whichever form of BC u want and use a condom because women can still go and get pregnant on the pill. but best of luck to u

Do I have vaginismus, and am I alone?

Both of you enjoy to work at this. Both of you buy condoms and have them at the all set to use always earlier you have sex. You can look Planned Parenthood up contained by the phone book and it probably also has a network site. You go in that, get your birth control pills and it's between them and you. A woman's menstrual cycle is usually 28 days--28 days between one extent and the next. About partially way through those 28 days--about the 14 days from when your spell started--an egg comes down from your ovaries and wants to bring fertilized with your boyfriend's sperm. So be extra, extra guarded around that time. No bare penis dance around your vagina because sometimes that's all it take. If you go on the pill, you must not miss one. It's your responsibility to set a rota and be responsible for taking your pills as prescribed so you don't get pregnant. Still use a condom.

Feel horrible?

Your messing up your enthusiasm, and the will of God for your life. Tell your mother your helpful, stop having sex. Wait for nuptials! Wait until someone really loves you enough to propose to you next to a diamond ring. Pray to the Lord for guidance!

Do you not see your worth like so oodles others?

I don't know how you were brought up, but the best choice is to lurk until marriage. Your not finished growing mentally. The temptations of energy are many, but God will bring you through the tough times that will come. Have some more dignity. Your worth it.

God bless

My boyfriend say i have a mental time every 3 months insecurity tears you name it!?

I would suggest going to a planned paternity (if there is one around your area). They are totally confidential. They just use first names. They do adjectives the health screenings, and they hold all the info you necessitate. They charge very little $$, as most of their clients are low income, students and such. I applaud your later life, for realizing that becoming pregnant is a enthusiasm long commitment, that most 18 year olds are not ready for.

Drug stores used to take a product called "the sponge" I don't know if they still do or not. There used to be a contaseptive gel too. Other than those, which you can find at the drugstore, I don't chew over there are various other choices (without seeing a doctor).If you go to a clinic, you could: thieve birth control pills, get a diaphragm, if not use an I.U.D. which has to be inserted by a doctor.

Also, try google turn upside down.

Good luck to you!

Not to sound dumb(im young) If u walk through Menopause does that mean u stop period?

O.K if you are 18 legally your doctor have to respect your privacy. If you are sexually active you necessitate annual pap-smears anyway. So be a big girl get a gynecological exam, obtain a script for birth control from your O.B.G.Y.N and catch on with it. Don't be determined to be harsh it's of late breaks my heart when girls say they are sexually involved but is unaware of what should be prime knowledge for a sexually influential individual.

I'm just wondering, please answer truthfully?

My suggestion is to cooperate to your doctor about your option for birth control and she/he can prescribe the right type of meds. A lot of it depends on your PAP smear too. If you took one recently more than expected they will prescribe you pills and call the pharmacy within most cases and that'll take the place of the appointment. Condoms can break except used properly.

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