Question for girls solely...?

hi im a guy im 19 and im a virgin guy and im in love with this girl and im gonna obtain married to her soon shes a virgin too.and i dont know anything about pregnancy or deeply about sex.but iv hear that a girl can only hold a child at certain times within a month.i dont get what that resources.and how am i supposed to know all that.please explain adjectives the stuff in a unforced way so i know what it way.thanks


How medical field surrounded by japan copare to other countries?

best time to become pregnant is when the woman is ovulating.. usually this time occurs two weeks since or after menstruation.

Does it worry you?

when she's ovulating is the best coincidence to get her pregnant

How do women pee standing up? Oh, and can i enjoy some links?

that stuff about women lone being competent to get pregnant infallible days of the month is false a woman can get pregnant at anytime.

How do I know if I am have a miscarriage?

sorry I'm a guy but I'm still gonna answer you theres always the Internet for lend a hand and when i doubt use a condom make sure its ok beside your future wife up to that time getting here pregnant

Does anyone at all close to Depo-Provera?

Pick up a book at the library or a bookstore explaining how the whole entry works. You'll be glad you did.

Is that pill that makes u individual have your cycle 4 X a yr good?

look up natural family unit planning; the "certain times of month" roughly refers to a woman ovulating; a woman is fertile 24-36 hours a month; A MONTH!! so the best way to "guess" is clutch the first day of your soon to be wifes time; and count 14 days; the 14th day is generally the daytime of ovulation; keep contained by mind that sperm may live within a womans body for 13 hours; and the 14th time is a general rule of thumb one based on a 28 time cycle; so there are typically 3 days inwardly a month that a woman's chance of becoming pregnant rises. hope that help.

Urinary tract infection?

They are talking going on for her obulation time. Its two weeks before she get her period... but tolerate me advise you girls can get hold of pregnant any time of the month. Maybe you should talk beside her about getting on birth control. since you own you dont know alot about sex, Im assuming you dont know a together lot about babies any.

Birth control will be your best option to prevent pregnancy not the verbs out method.

Good Luck and Congrats!

I want to lose weight but own an underactive thyroid what should i be eating to lose shipment with this conditi

a woman ovulates once a month, substance her ovary is releasing an egg.
you can go to websites to find out almost the female anatomy..
Congrats to you and your fiance' on your celebacy til nuptials. We dont hear that very commonly anymore.. You will learn together and its fun research.. I too was a virgin and so be my hubby...

Ok well?

The best time that a girl can go and get pregnant is when she is ovulating (period)
What are you asking about sex?

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you entail to use a condom every time you have sex. It is possible for a woman to achieve pregnant at any stage of her cycle. Perhaps before you become intimate, you should cause an appointment with your doc or at a ancestral planning or birth control centre to get hold of some info and maybe she can run on the pill

Is there any road?

a girl can get pregnant singular for 3 days a month, about surrounded by the middle of her periods..but don't count on that if you don't want to own kids, because you can easily count the days contained by the wrong way and acquire her pregnant. if, instead, you want babies, good honeymoon!

What should I do something like my 14 yo who has vaginal discharge?

1. Tell her to walk on birthcontrol or use condoms if you don't want a child.

2. You have your testicle to brand name sperm and we have our ovaries to release matured eggs. When the egg is released from the ovary and all set to fertilize it is called ovulation. That is around the time a woman can capture pregnant.

3. Your sperm lasts roughly 3 days in a woman's body but it doesn't purloin 3 days for the sperm to get to the fallopian tube to fertilize the egg once released.

4. A woman can still catch pregnant during her menstrual cycle (period) because ovulation can occur at this time.

5. You can narrate your wife to calculate her ovulation because it's different for everyone. If she doesn't know how speak about her to speak to a dr especially if you two don't want to have a child however.

If Im Not Pregnant Why Do I Keep Throwing Up?

first check out it has info on the body, ovulation,birth control and other stuff.
in your first time in the work be very calmly,because if you are rough on entry she will never like sex again and past you get down to business offer her some foreplay(kissing.touching,play etc) use birth control if your not ready for that little bundle of cheeriness
many blessing on your celebratory night

What happen to a fetus that is abort at a hospital? Is it treated as medical waste, burned contained by an oven?

Women are...complicated.


If you know what a vagina is-the hole the penis goes in-you're past its sell-by date to a good start.

Up to be precise where the sperm swims after unprotected sex. There, it meet an egg inside the girl's uterus-also known as the womb. That's where on earth (again only if you're not sing protection-like a condom) the sperm meet the egg. Then all the information for the baby-what it will looks close to and everything else-is generated according to the parent's traits. The egg divides and grows and grows for 9 months until it is primed to come out.

WELL, a woman has several eggs, and one (or sometimes 2, vastly rarely though) are released from one of her ovaries respectively month. So it sits there until it is fertilized (when the sperm meet it) however most of the time, it isn't fertilized. So after a month of sitting in there beside nothing stirring, the egg and the lining of the uterus break down and stir through the vagina and out. This is called menstration, also certain as a girl's "Period" The broken down lining and egg (which is pretty much blood) elapse though the vagina, continuing for about a week. During this week (aka the "Certain time of the month") a girl cannot concieve or enjoy sex. It's not a fun time for her, so don't get wacky of she gets a bit pissy, this is conventional.

If you have any other question, email me at [email protected], or google them.

Or, you might even want to ask your girlfriend :)

Hope you know all you inevitability to know now :D

Gyno Pap Smear quesion?

a woman can get pregnant at anytime is true however at hand are certian days of a month that a woman is most likely to conceive. example the first days after her time of year she is lest likely to conceive. fourteen days after her length she is more fertile and there is moore of a unpredictability of conception as a woman gets closer to her length the less of a hit and miss to conceive again. a womans cycle last aproximately 28 days the middle of the cycle is the best time to conceive within.

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