Are tampons flushable?


What does it mean when a woman clots during her monthly cycle.?

"The Plumber he say never flush a Tampoon".

Hormone pills?


Ok, how to you kno u are havin an orgasm?


I`m boy, how to understand a woman enjoy had a complete orgasm? any sign for that?

Yes... designed to flush soundly.

Ehh Periods :/?

Read the box.

Why have i get sore nipples?

No, they can clog the pipes.

I like my best friend but does he close to me?

yes, but don't throw away the cardboard part!

I'M VERY SEXUAL!! minister to?

Yes, tampons are flushable. Be curtious-don't throw them in a trashcan.

What could this be?

If it say so in the carton, it is, but by all finances do NOT flush the applicator. That spells problems. It's safer I think of late to not flush it at all.

Have ever be to college or office short bra or panty i have be thrice?

You could just read the box.

What is exactly this G-Spot stuff surrounded by women?

No. They may go down but will eventually clog the system. Try not to blush when the plumber pulls them all out.

For the ultimate 6 months I have lost my libido, what do I do???

i believe they are, but i never flush em,

How do I hold sex?

i dunno, just flush them anyway consequently you can call a plumber, he might be polite looking. But on the other hand the tampon might extension up in the the deep and a whale might eat it and die or something

Womens press about nipples?

Tampons as powerfully as the cardboard applicators (only cardboard ones tho). Although if you have continuing problem next to clogs, of if you are using really old pipes I might not recommend you flush them. Pay attention to those 'do not flush rag towels or feminine products" signs. It makes for an shameful situation at the workplace, school, restaurant, etc...

My husband desires me to shave down there.?

as a wife of a plumber, the answer is NO< NO<NO
No issue what the package say, NO!

Sex life put somebody through the mill?

some are..usually the inserter and the paper isnt but the used tampon is

Is it majority for sex to hurt?

Absolutely. Most of the time, the applicators are flushable as well, but sometimes they aren't, so check the box of the tampons to construct sure. However, pads within no shape or form are flushable, so don't clog your toilet by trying to flush them.

Im confused?

on almost all boxes of tampons it say they are safe to flush the tampon merely,not the applicator. i always of late threw them in the trash can basically to be on the safe side

Problem next to spotting. (Sorry, this question may be gross to some)?

YES, thank righteousness. However, there are elder septic systems and old buildings beside poor plumbing and tampons can be a problem. My suggestion is to flush the tampon without any other bulk. Then flush again. If you verbs to have plumbing problems, you may entail a visit from Mr. Rotor Rooter or one of his friends.

Does it really work?


How dodgy are fibroids to a woman's health?

yes they are

Why do you assume Yahoo deleted a put somebody through the mill abt an unwanted preg?

I always flush them, but NEVER the applicators.

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