Problem with spotting. (Sorry, this examine may be gross to some)?

I'm a 22 year old married woman. I'm on birth control and I'm surrounded by the middle of the cycle ( of birth control, not my period). For the past few days I've be spotting quite inadequately. It's never happened back and I've been on birth control for more or less 2 years now. Also, since yesterday, I've have a very upset stomach. I enjoy loose stools and I've taken medicine for it. It doesn't seem to be to be working. Do any women have any philosophy?
P.S. Sorry if this grosses some of you out.

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your upset stomach could be making the pill ineffective, causing breakthrough bleeding. Continue taking your pills as everyday, and consult a doctor to make sure that the medication you own been given doesn't clash beside your pill.

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Sometimes birth control can cause breakthrough bleeding. Just because it hasnt' happen before, deplorably, does not mean that it won't evolve again. In addition, you might enjoy some sort of a stomach bug. If you aren't better in a couple days, I would see the doctor.

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The two things might not be related. Doesnt' spotting mean the dosage isn't high enough? It's probably time to budge back to your doc. Now the stomach might lately be because you've eaten some dodgy food lately. But if it keep going on like that...see the doc!

I a moment ago became a woman if u know what I connote and I don't know how to handle it! PLEASE HELP?

Call your doctor. In the middle of your cycle its exceptionally normal to spot if your pills are not strong adequate. Over time this happens. The loose stools can be related or of late coincedence. Hope you feel better. Also you can become pregnant if you are spotting. I did. CALL YOUR DOCTOR.

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