What does it be set to when a woman clots during her monthly cycle.?

I have of late went stale of my birthcontrol and have a desperate cycle, with hard to digest bleeding and clots that were the size of garrison. Is this normal.

I am worried in the region of my wife?. she has have weird cravings and have wanted to(you know) not notice pads. Help!

This is without a flaw normal. You probably are have heavy period because the pill actually FORCES you to enjoy a period (during the placebo week). Your body wasn't ovulating, so the inside layer of the uterus was REALLY emaciated during the time you were on the pill. Now that you're not using the artificial hormones any longer, your body is trying to do from scratch the uterine lining (endometrium).

Sex grill?

Yes, I went through that for years up to that time I had my daughter. You are newly shedding the tissue lining of your uterus. Nothing to verbs about at the moment.

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You probably notice the clots most after you own been sitting or lying down. This is blood that have been contained by the vaginal vault and begin to coagulate.
This is perfectly everyday and nothing to verbs about.

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