For the last 6 months I enjoy lost my libido, what do I do???

I have be with my boyfriend for 3 years. I am 20 years outmoded. For the last 6 months we hold had sex give or take a few 5 times. I don't feel approaching sex and can't be bothered. What's wrong with me?

What treatments should I consider for a fibroid?

It could be a few things.

1) Simply: He doesn't turn you on anymore. 3 years can be a long time to stay interested.

2) Are you a smoker? Your blood flow might not be reaching the right areas. I promise you this---quit smoking and you'll see your sex drive increase drastically.

3) If you're not a smoker, it could still be the blood flow anyways. Maybe you just own poor circulation. Try Gingko Biloba, or L-Argine, or even Horny Goat Weed. Look up "sex drive herbs" on Yahoo, for a list of others.
You could also buy a topical cream at any pharmacy, that brings the blood to the nouns. It works, but usually only for a minute.

Hope this helped!

For adjectives girls when u lose ur virginity do u bleed on the sheets or at all and do it hurt unpromising?

You sound approaching you are in a slump per say aloud. See your doc though to be sure there is no medical wreak for you lack of sex drive.

Is this a twisted road of thinking?

Sometimes when we are used to a partner, mentally, we "know" what takes place during sex and we receive need anticipation and something to spice things up. Try brand new stimulation thru movies, books or a romantic setting..

Stretch marks.?

First of adjectives you need to spawn sure their is nothing medically wrong next to you...alot of this can contribute to this. If you are medcially alright then try spicing up your relationship near role playing or toys. GOOD LUCK

Am I drying up, My period last only 3 days?

Nothing is wrong beside you physically, but a few things help contribute to low libos:

Birth control

If you might own arguments and not resolve them. ( believe me, this can put a big stop to sex really fast)

Or you just might not hold a big sex drive to begin next to. Some people simply don't care if they hold sex.

If you really want to start, you can go to the doctors and they can prescribe you something. It is similar to a woman's version of Viagra. :) That should minister to get you going.

Another article that might help is to sit down next to your BF and just cuddle. Not try to own sex but just spend some sluggish time with him. Talk roughly things you normally would not sermon about.

I hope this help. I know what you are going threw, I have have times where sex be not coming easy and I worried a short time ago like you. It will be OK. :)

I have a Mirena IUD put in 2 days ago next to no problems at all. I'm have some cramping anyone else?

Talk with the BF. Maybe things newly need to be spiced up for a time. Or go sermon with your doc and of late make sure you draw from a clean bill of robustness. Are you on any meds? Some meds can effect your sex drive. And STRESS?! Man, that can be a major murderer on sex! Even a little point that is bothering you that the BF doesn't know just about may be gnawing at you that you don't really guess is a big thing could be cause the problem. Sit down and have a chat. But, articulate with a doc too.

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