I really..really.. want to wear tampons but im am on edge to ask my mom... any suggestions?please??

all of my friends wear them.. adn i really want to too..
and the summer is comiing up... but idk how to ask my mom..
im kiinda nervous.. me and her catch along pretty well... but i just dont be aware of comf. talkiing to her about thiis.. can someone help me.. ?? please??

Other option!?

Just be honest beside her it's ok to be embarassed when I first started my period I didnt even tell my mom. But she have gone through the same thing and understand. It's ok to ask! When I first started using tampons I just took some of my mom's and she figured it out lol

Sharp pains surrounded by my stomach and surrounded by my spinal column..going to the bathroom every time I chomp through...what could this be?

purely break the ice by saying "mom, do you prefer tampons or pads" and she'll vote which one she prefers and say "well imagine tampons will be better for me with the summer approaching and all. later i will be able to go swimming" and if she say no then beg or pick up money to buy your own. or when you're at the store throw a box in the cart and say aloud 'mom, I'd really like to try these, can you suggest some for me?"

Please backing me!!?

just wear them, TRUST ME
stir to ur local drug store and buy a pack
it will show the directions and everything
i also recently started using them because of my friends too
they are great
it feels resembling i dont even have my period
you be aware of nothing and it will work to your advantage when you loose your verginity because you wont bleed and wont hurt as much. thts if you are one

I get my time on the 25th daytime of my cycle for 12 hours..Now zilch...I have unprotected sex a week until that time..?

run and buy some tampons and practice with them .this is a personal issue that i feel you do not own to share with anyone.
if you feel the stipulation for support then ask your mum or close friends

Is nearby anything to verbs in the order of?

Have a "girl talk". And ask your mom to have some time near you.
Why would your mom say no.
I had impossible to tell apart experience and my mom talk allot about it.

Doctors, Nurses, Please help out.. :S?

say aloud this "mom well its kind of knotty to tell u this but i am growing up and i need to wear these and i would perceive mor comfetable if i wore tampons "

Had sex on fri and saturday and stater bleeding two then afterwards it stoped and have sex while bleeding.?

ask to go swimming while you have your spell. and tell your mom that you do. what other way than tampons?

Please help? I am afraid of my period! Is it on its way?

Is this true?
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Is it okay...?
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