The pill and condoms?

I'm on the pill. I just finished my spell. I'm freaking out because the condom broke. I think I'm still nontoxic, but I'm not sure. What are the chances that I could receive pregnant? Should we buy a home pregnancy test?

Does anyone else return with this?(girls)?

If you are taking the pill correctly then you shouldn't hold to worry roughly speaking anything. Taken correctly the pill is like 99% efficient in preventing a pregnancy, even if the condom broke.

There's also no point of buying a pregnancy testing right now because you won't catch an accurate reading until you are suppose to get your subsequent period.

If you are REALLY freaked out afterwards you can always get hold of Plan B. If you are 18 and over you can buy it from any local pharmacy without a prescription (it's still bringing up the rear the pharmacy counter though, so you need to ask them). If you are 17 and younger you call for to get a prescription from your doctor. Good luck!

What is the medical residence for prolonged menstrual periods?

99% successful if taking the pill.

Deep breaths?

Go to the pharmacist IMMEDIATELY and get the 'morning after' pill. I believe it is available immediately for this purpose. Better safe than sorry. Good luck!

How do i return with my period to become regular & doies too much sugar grounds one to menstrate twice in a month?

If you are sure that you own been taking the pill properly, every year at the same time, no missed pills, etc. you should be fine. Wait until subsequent month to see if you get your spell or not. If you don't, then I would suggest a home pregnancy try-out.

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