Help!! my spell....?

In january my period come late….it came on the 5th of february….and very soon im waiting for my “february” period and its not here however!! regular period comes on the 22nd of the month….will my term come on march 22? Or is something wrong beside me?? Im 16 years old.

The WEIRDEST point on my breast?

honey, take a cavernous breath...

you're young, and that medium the body takes time getting into the swing of things. also, pilfer into account your environment: stress, work, conservatory, etc. are sometimes factors of making your body walk off the "ordinary cycle". *and the more you stress out waiting for it, sometimes the longer it takes back it starts again...personal experience...*

frankly, what i used to do before i be able to "regulate" my cycle, i would count something like 30 - 32 days after the last sunshine i had one. that would administer me an estimate of when to expect it. i wish i could be of more support...

I've had numerous UTIs for the second couple of years. I take the drug for two weeks and it clears up for a

do you think you are pregnant? you could be. But if that's out of the question then don't verbs about it period act up adjectives the time

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If you're individual 16, you most likely enjoy absolutely zilch to worry just about. It can take several years to become regular, even if you are "regular" for a year or so, your cycle can conveyance.

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It's usually about every 28 days. If you have yours on the 5th of February, then your subsequent should be around March 5th the next time since February with the sole purpose has 28 days. Good luck and hope this help!

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If you are exercising too much or are not eating adequate, your period will be irregular.

Switching brands of birth control and can't carry new ones for 3 weeks because of letters in service, any design?

don't stress, that's probably normal!

Odd Problemwith orgasm?

Um...sometimes your body does wierd things. I once have a period for three weeks and after didn't have one for a few months. Your body might own reset itself or gotten off track. If you enjoy been stressed or doing stuff out of the frequent, that might explain things. There are a lot of possiblities. If it continues to be irregular, basically talk to your doctor. He may enjoy a better explanation. Much love!!!

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It's better to regard of your cycles as lengths of time, not "on a enduring date" - if your last extent was 2 weeks delayed, that meant your cycle be about 6+ weeks instead of your common 4. So, your next one will probably be anywhere from 4 to 6 weeks after the final one started. (This is all assuming you aren't on birth control and aren't sexually live.)

There is a really excellent book called "Taking Charge of Your Fertility" by Toni Weschler. Don't tolerate the title or the family planning aspect terrify you away. It has some really biddable information about how your "girl parts" work and why your cycle is the passageway it is and how to monitor what your body is doing.

Does it go posterior to normal size?

Your extent is usually based on a 28 sunshine cycle, so if your last length started on February 5th, you wouldn't have another one until March 5. However, it is comparatively common to enjoy irregular periods. If you're not sexually moving, most likely you're merely as normal as the subsequent girl.

If you go 60 days minus a period, run see your doctor just to produce sure everything's okay. You can actually skip a term if you've been extrememly helpful or have have a large shipment gain or loss. One of these factors might be affecting you.


It is not unnatural for your cycles to be irregular when you are young-looking and there is nil wrong with you. When I first started my period they were amazingly irregular anywhere from 19 days to 43 days apart. Stress can change time of year cycles in most women, but especially youthful women. It is also not uncommon contained by younger women to be regular with their period and then transmutation.
As long as you are not at risk of pregnancy, try not to worry in the order of the delay within getting your period, as this too may explanation the delay.
If you are still extraordinarily worried, try and speak to a doctor or nurse that you trust and they will help set your mind at allay.
Good luck, but remember there is nought wrong with you because your time of year is irregular.

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