Am i supposed to feel the tampon after i put it surrounded by?

I can feel the tampon when i stroll and when i sit down... is this normal?
(This is my first time using a tampon so i'm not really sure if i did it right or not)

Depo injection?

I don`t know its not in far plenty. try pushing it up a bit more. maybe that will engineer it less unconfortable. honourable luck! xoxo

Question for women how have have their tubes tied?

no you are not supposed to feel probably inserted it wrong.

If you are on the contraceptive pill, and you enjoy sex, is it ok for the man to climax inside you?

Might want to try another size or make sure your pushing it in adjectives the way.Good luck.

How is it possible that I receive horny when I'm not even thinking about anything sex-related?

i other do at first. after a while you forget about it tho.

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No, you shouldn't be able to quality it at all. It may not be surrounded by far enough. Try a hot one and push it up more. It's probably not in right and it is solitary you're first time with a tampon.

My friend is becoming annorexic?

it may not be far up ample in the vaginal conduit, or you may have a tilted uterus

Implanon users!?

No that's not majority. You might try a smaller size. Playtex mades one and its called slim.

How are you ovulationg during your time of year?

I usually do. As long as it isn't really painful, you're fine.

Cervical Cancer?

You should not know how to feel it. You any have within a tampon that is too high-ranking of an absorbency or you did not push it in far satisfactory.

Did i break my hymen?

not really...u prob dont have it far adequate in

Stop my cramps!?

It happen to me. It doesn't mean one have inserted it wrong. Because I normally use pad. I only use tampons to run out for not to long a time. And still most of the time I feel the pressure of have it in me. And have soon as I get home I own to remove it. At times I have gotten sick, similar to I needed to puke. And as soon as I remove it I get better. Why this happen I'm not sure.

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you really aren't supposed to, but if you do it's probably because 1) it isn't far enough up within the vaginal canal, or 2) the absorbancy is too dignified for your flow... which can also cause TSS. when you put it within, make sure the cardboard applicator is as far up as you can draw from it while still being contained by control of it, then push the tampon through. that may relieve for next time... but still if the absorbancy is too dignified, you will still feel it. the common sense you'll feel it when the absorbancy is too dignified is because they are made wider all the style around, and sometimes longer than lower absorbancy tampons, and there isn't ample "lubrication" (blood), so it is pretty dry up there, and it will become really self-conscious. so when you go to buy tampons (since everyday of your time will usually require a different absorbancy), it's best to buy the variety box. :)
polite luck! hope i helped!

How do you lose your virginty near as little to no pain?

Don't verbs, if you're not used to have one in, it's without fault normal to be capable of feel it. (I remember thinking like thing my first time).

As you use them more regularly, you won't see it so much.

Does anyone know a speciel diet to make breasts grow? Plz answer dont comment?

No you're not supposed to grain it at all. Did you push it contained by deep adequate...That's a common mistake near first time users. And make sure you're not using a surrounding substance tampon when flow is slight. this makes you dry and it make inserting the next tampon difficult. Another motive for discomfort.

What's wrong with me? am i pregnant?

you porbably didnt push it far plenty. it is at the opening of your vaginal muscle so when you tramp or sit it gets smaller.

Hunger organization pills?

No you arnt supposed to feel it because tampons are made so that u cant touch them i think you inserted it wrong read the instructions in the tampon box for correct instructions on how to put them in and receive shure u dont feel the tampon inside.GOOD LUCK....hang on to trying

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