Why haven't I had a time in six months. There is no path I am pregnant. I am only surrounded by my twenties!?


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I go 5 months without a spell once. When I finally went to the doctor I found out that I have a cyst and the size and location of it was somehow preventing period. The doctor said that cysts are very adjectives in women our age. You should run to the doctor though and see what they say. If it is a cyst and you dawdle too long it could burst and that hurts a lot so don't difficulty.

Why do I feel so strange??

well, if u've lost a lot of immensity recently it could b the intention, but obviously it's a sign that something is wrong, so u should definetly move about c a gynecologist

A Doctor pleaseCan my cyst be treated?

Well if you were younger, I would right to be heard that it is b/c your period is irregular for the 1st 2 yrs. But your agency older so I would walk to a doctor. Sometimes if you have a thyroid problem it can effect your spell. Get a blood test.

How enjoy you coped with adenomyosis?

Ughh economically even if you are in your twenties you can draw from pregnant but.. even if you were close to say 6months pregnant you would kinda Kno.i feel cuzz of you belly.anyways talk to your doctor this is not pious.

Do your breast grow when you are on your period?

You can go and get pregnant. If you havent had it for six months and its because you're pregnant in attendance will be signs.

Strange period?

Just because you are surrounded by your twenties does not mean you are not pregnant...if you hold had sex here is a possibility of pregnancy. If you have not have sex I am really not sure why you have not have your period, you want to talk to your doctor just about this.

Almost 2 years after c-section?

Six months w/o a period, I'm sure you would know if you're pregnant by now. It's not in the region of being contained by your twenties, it's about precautions you are taking/not taking.

If it's typical for you to not have period for this long, maybe you're ok. If it not everyday, I would go see a doc. You know yourself best.

Is it true that u can acquire preg. if u have sex during ur term?

If you are very skinny or larger in counterbalance those could be factors

I m a 19 year hoary girl .. i m 49kgs do you think i m underweight?

It's probably stress.

I'm not a woman but own known a few next to your problem.
Some woman don't cycle once a month like others do.

Some solely cycle once every few months.

But I suggest you go see a Doctor in recent times to be on the safe side.

Boobs..too small?

weight gain/or weight loss/ stress/hormonal inconsistency...lots of reasons.travel see your gynecologist she will probably put you on birthcontroll to regulate you. i wouldnt worry too much alot of ancestors i know have have the same problem

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...if you are sexually busy, then at hand is a high possibilty that you are pregnant...even 13 year olds return with pregnant...you might not see signs but you could have it...i didnt know that i be pregnant until the sixth month caused here were no signs and i thought that not have my period for six months be normal...

Is this my extent???????

There is no way for use to detail you why. This is a medical question that requires going to the doctor. You speak there is no road you are pregnant, I assume that means you hold had sex within the past year?

What is the classification of redhead? that lead to some girls when i search for ?

you could still be pregnant even if your only within your 20's if you have have sex but if not consequently i would definitely phone your doctor and make an appt.

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