The WEIRDEST entity on my breast?

on one of my boobs, there be this REALLY weird item. it looked like a pip had be planted under my skin. but it be only to some extent covered. it was black, and would open-handed of hurt if i squeezed it. i tried many frequent MANY times to get it out. i tried squeezing it beside my fingers, squeezing it with tweezers, one time i even stuck the "pole thing" of an earring (i can't remember the word...the thing that you slide the vertebrae onto, it holds the earring) in and tried to pull it out. zilch ever happened. it bled for a time when i did the earring thing, but it didn't come out.

second night, i be sitting in bed and i saw it. it bothers me SO much cause it's kinda appreciable. and with a tiny little squeeze, i saw it slide out a short time. i squeezed it a little harder, and it slid out. i looked at it for a few minutes, and realize it looked like a pebble. it be about the size of one, too. it be mostly black, with some brown, and a touch white here in nearby. it was VERY tough, i couldn't crush

All about first pierods?

sounded resembling a cyst

Does depilation increase the chance of getting cancer?

It's call a blackhead.

For a breast reduction can you use tea tree grease to help your medicinal process?

Sounds like an alien implantation, were you not long abducted?

Go to the doctor, I don`t know he can do something about it.

I'm starting a spanking new pill and..?

I had something similar to that in my leg and I be told it was a cyst that have grown because of an ingrown hair.

I tried heaps to grasp mine out and it wouldn't budge then sooner or later I was competent to pull it out wit tweezers. I couldn't crush mine any.

How can I get my put a bet on straight?

It was your nipple, sorry to hear that its gone.

What should surface when you go sour the pill?? Chicks only?

hmm. Well one, it does NOT nouns like breast cancer so don't freak out basically yet. It may be a really immense blackhead. It is probably just a clogged pore that get really large. Good entry is that you got it out. If it grows posterior, there may be bring for concern and you should probably get it checked out at your subsequent Doctor's visit.

If i lose the counterbalance that i gained will i be pay for down to the same bra size?

shouldve brought it within the doctors had it analized. Possibley alian within origin.

How much should a juvenile girl weigh?

next time keep surrounded by mind that out there are some empire with white uniform called docs they know best incentive if you ask people next to no edical education probably you 'll catch faulty info

Help im really worried its about tampons!!?

Well, contained by my profesional opinion you should draw from that checked out. If it hurts to touch, then something might be up.

I go on provera to start my period bc it hasnt come for 5 months, but it hasnt help, what now?

ummm... ive never have that before but i suggest you save the pebble and let the doctor check your breast as all right as that thing to enjoy answers to your questions and for your safekeeping also. goodluck..!

Is it necessary to be in motion to a doctor?

Um... gross... I can't believe you did that lol!! Um..

Go down to the last post, posted by Guru. S/he say its nothing to verbs about.. look at the pictures.. it's a blackhead you can lift out, apparently. So don't freak out.

Should I get a boob available job or not?

Uhhhh. r u a boy or a girl since u talk something like breast, yet u hold a boy Display Pic back ground thingy. lol?
o yea... wut she said ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^...

If you run a birth control pill and then throw up 30 minutes subsequently because of the flu?

Would have done you polite to see a Doc. Then you would worry smaller amount.
Looks like it be merely a foreign body. Like one gets a thorn lower than the skin. If you were out contained by the beach or similar, it can transpire.
It can be squeezed out when the skin allows.Like it builds a resistance against it, then comes out.
Do put some disinfectant on the nouns.\Wish u the best.

Hey girls does this hurt?

Wow, livinggypt is the only one near the right answer and she has 4 thumbs down? Get your facts straight since rating peoples answers. It a comedone and it can be very small or exceptionally large. It is a form of blackhead beneath the skin.

When I'm pmsing or before my length i cry at school over the stupidest things. Is it visible to everyone?


Only for the ladies?


I have no breast and i touch like a boy also how can you own confidence if you dont feel pious about your body.

just curious...

did u smell it? if so, describe the smell.

ahaha im jk jk, just travel to the doctor and bring it with u

Health Question?

Sometimes ingrown hair can also have symptoms similar to a blackhead and when you try to pop it it can hurt.

Glad it's gone very soon. But if you are still hurting in that area although it's gone next please get this checked out by your dr to engender sure there isn't something more going on that could enjoy been missed when you popped this piece that could be an ingrown hair (or even yes a blackhead possibly because of what you described noticing).

I have something like that removed from my pubic nouns once and it had not solely a head on it but a white tail at the other finishing of it and that time it was a blackhead. Second time I have to have the dr remove something from my pubic nouns it was another pimple and also dealing next to an ingrown hair.

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