I've had numerous UTIs for the closing couple of years. I take the prescription for two weeks and it clears up for a

I've had numerous UTIs for the finishing couple of years. I take the medication for two weeks and it clears up for a week (if that) and then it comes right stern.
I don't see how it is possible to get 3 UTIs a month. I'm not a dirty character, and I've changed everything that could possibly be causing it but I still get hold of them constantly.
It really makes natural life miserable and I can't help but wonder if it's something else, close to damage to the urinary tract, i.e. causing it.

Anyone else own this problem or maybe some counsel on how to fix it?


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I too enjoy suffered from chronic UTI's for years, most of my life really. It become much worse after I became sexually moving. If it's back within a week, it likely didn't clear up. Your doctor requests to check your urine again after you finish your course of antibiotics.

Things you can do to help prevent them: Wipe front to rear, pee as soon as you feel the urge. Wash twice each day. Pee before and straight after sex. Have your partner and yourself wash and brush your teeth since sex. Wash after sex. Drink cranberry juice (or pilfer it in pill form) nick lots of vitamin C.

If doing all these things doesn't serve you need to see a urologist. There could possibly be something wrong beside your bladder or urethra that can be fixed.

My fix was antibiotics. I own to take one every time I hold sex.

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It may be what you're wash in. You might own an STD if the medicine isn't clearing it up. Some symptons of an STD are UTI's. You should consent to your doctor know that the medicine isn't helping resembling it should.

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The most common cause of UTIs are:

- Not urinating frequently enough
- Wiping from back to front...especially after a bowel movement (90% of all infections are e.coli based)
- Not practicing proper personal hygiene
- Wearing clothing that is to say too tight
- Wearing underwear that is not made of inborn fibers. Satin, silk, rayon, nylon, and thongs are all culprits because they don't allow the body to breathe.
- Not urinating prior to and following intercourse.
- Not wash your vulvar area after intercourse.
- Not drinking satisfactory fluids
- Consuming foods and beverages (esp. juices) high within sugar after UTI symptoms have already developed. This basically feeds the germs already in the bladder.

I used to experience UTIs regularly, and I was told my doctor to try trimming or shaving the pubic tresses on my labia, and to switch to tampons, and sure enough the infections stopped. These may be things to try since you’re not have any luck with antibiotics.

You may also want to switch doctors. Its be my experience that if a prolonged, protracted, or recurrent infection is going on, that a cystoscope (a camera) is inserted into the bladder and/or ureters to try and diagnose the basis.

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There are a few things that could be cause it.
Kidney stones
A blockage ...usually caused by kidney stones
Damage to the kidney due to injury, kidney stones, infection.

You really requirement to talk to your doctor and request a referral to a kidney specialist.

There are a few simple painless tests that can be carried out to try and discover what is cause it.

It is nothing to do next to being dirty, so don't dance thinking that.

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Some females get urinary tract infections more frequently because of the differences in the shape and length of the urethra in different citizens. A female next to a shorter urethra may get more UTIs. This may be section of your problem.

There are several ways bacteria can receive into the urethra. During sexual intercourse, the bacteria within the vaginal area can be pushed into the urethra, which cause irritation in the bladder. In certainty, any time the vaginal area is rubbed, germs can be pushed into the urethra. You can get a bladder infection from oral sex too. Infections are also adjectives in women who wear tight jeans.

There are several things you can try to avoid getting them. After using the restroom, wipe from front to put a bet on with toilet rag. Go to the bathroom to empty your bladder frequently. Avoid holding your urine for long period of time. Keep the genital area verbs and dry. Frequent bubble baths can cause irritation of the vaginal nouns, so girls should take showers or appropriate baths without calculation bubble bath to the dampen. Avoid prolonged exposure to moisture in the genital nouns by not wearing nylon underwear or wet swimsuits. If you are sexually involved, urinate right after intercourse (or within 10 minutes after) and considerately wash the genital nouns to remove any bacteria. AND drinking lots of hose - six to eight glasses a light of day - keeps your bladder busy and bacteria-free. Pure cranberry juice (not liquid cocktail) will help preserve the urine acidic and microbes don't multiply as well within that kind of environment. Quality cranberry liquid produces hippuric acid contained by the urine which acidifies the urine and prevents bacteria from sticking to the walls of the bladder.

Try all of this and see if it help! If not, go posterior to your doctor and ask to see a renal specialist. There may be some other underlying cause.

Good luck!

EDIT: I am also allergic to latex, and I own never had that problem. Allergies don't label bacteria. Sex can push microbes into the urethra. The only entity I can think of is the latex allergy make the urethra swell after the bacteria hold been introduced, which would create it harder to expel through urination.

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