Female spine problem....Men do not read unless you want to be grossed out....?

I know it is normal to hold a couple of black hairs on your breasts around your nipples. But i enjoy about 4-5 hair that keep growing put money on. I have with the sole purpose had this problem for roughly speaking a 1/2 year. I am 20 years old could it purely be a stage i am going through in my life? I am not on any pills so it cant me medication.....Thank you

Ladies! apart of breast shoot, what other natural instrument to increase breast size?

Quite normal. It's a hormone entry. Sometimes a doctor can help but not other. Its called hirsutism. It's extremely adjectives in a condition call polycystic ovarian syndrome, but can happen for other reason as well.

What can do a healthy woman to?

It's probably commonplace, but it may also be a hormonal issue. Go to the doc, and he should be able to oral exam your testasterone levels.

I would close to info on Mirena and its side effects.?

That's strange. If your really concerned, though, go see your doctor and ask whats going on. It may be a switch in hormones for some object.

Stretch marks?

yeah im pretty sure its mundane

I have be really stressed lately and now freeking in the region of being pregnant..?

I'm not grossed out at adjectives. Is it getting warm surrounded by here?

Throat question?

Pretty mundane. Just pluck them out when you have time. You will most possible have them the rest of your natural life unless your hormones change or the mane follicles die off.

Can this be because of birth control or am i pregnant?


Im anxious!?


Could she be pregnant??

Grossed Out? I'd like to part of the pack them with my tongue!

Girlfriend have IUD should I get a morning after?

Not at adjectives unusual. The women that do have them pluck them though so you'd never know how tons actually hold them.

If it bothers you that much you could get laser treatment and they won't grow stern.

Intimate women question?

This is common....there is no grounds for you to freak out, it is just a stage that women run through

I still get discharge after I've have my period for 6 months?

I am so grossed out

Do most girls prefer a man's @ near the top skin off or still on?

Not sure what you penny-pinching. Have some photo documentation of this? Let's see.

Is it normal for a feminine to get raining for no apparent basis or for no aparent reason?

It's regular. I had friends who started getting them in giant school. I didnt catch them until waaaaaay into my mid 20's. Use tweezers and pluck them. Not a stage they are there for vivacity. Don't worry around it, i have my significant other pluck them for me...he like it! ; )

Hello, Im a female & right at the best moment of an orgasm, I sometimes urinate.?

It's normal. Some women grasp more than others. Just pluck 'em out.

Is there really a birth control that make your breasts larger?

An old gf of mine have the same problem. I thought it be sexy and a turn on.

LOL itsthen13...

Have any of you had a Brazilian wax?

Ya its faultlessly normal... best warning I have is simply leave them... shaving them in recent times makes it worse in actual fact, they grow back.... thicker too. If you really want to know more roughly speaking how to help grasp rid of them either dance to the doctor or.... go to a book store where on earth they could sell things on feminine problems and such. Hope this helps and don't verbs.

I just get my period and I'm other gassy all the time. Can u please explain why that happen!?

Probably normal. Get your testosterone even checked and if you're really grossed out you could consider electrolysis...

Im trying to lose weight but i cant come across to what the easiest way to lose shipment round 20 pounds im 5'5?

Yes, that's normal. There's pelt everywhere on your body except for on your lip (not upper lip), palms of your hands, the bottoms of your foot, and of course, the inside of your body where on earth your organs are located.

I've had two earlier, (yes they grow back...a moment ago shave 'em off lol) my doctor merely said those hairs freshly happen to be a touch darker than the others!

And to internits (girl above me), women do not contain TESTOSTERONE...We enjoy estrogen...


Why do breasts hurt during PMS? What exact hormone causes this?

Many women grow mane on their nipples...not everyone does, but it's not incredibly rare. I doubt that this is a stage; you'll probably operation with these for the rest of your existence. Just keep plucking them--try to bring the roots and then possibly they'll stop growing back. If it get to be more than just a couple at a time, ask your doctor give or take a few them.

Kind of a stupid question but is near anything that will make ur chest bigger?that in fact works?!?

This is not gross but very, highly, common. Most can be removed beside electrolysis or lasers. Please, if it bothers you and it seems too , shift have a call in with a practitioner who can accomplish one of the above procedures to remove the hairs.
The cost will band from $50 to $500 depending on what procedure you choose.

I started whereing abra in 2nd grade is that regular?

I believe that this is perfectly run of the mill. I would pluck them out, nothing to be terrified off or anything, It's unconscious

I have a problemwell, not really a problemmore of a concern, I guessbut..please answer!?

Don't verbs we all enjoy our crosses to bear - own you tried mint tea? I know it sounds strange but there is evidence that this can lessen hair!
"MINT tea help women lose unwanted body hair, docs own discovered.
Millions suffer from hirsutism — hair on the frontage, breasts and tum — caused by lofty levels of mannish hormones called androgens.
But a study of 21 women within Isparta, Turkey, found drinking two cups of mint tea a day reduced the hormone’s impact and lessened quill growth.
Dr Mehmet Tamer said: “It could be a good intuitive alternative.”

Do any ladies have this during their length?

Black hairs around nipples aren't a problem. It is hormonal. A lot of girls hold that. Cut them off or verbs them out if they bother you. It is perfectly everyday so don't fret

Ladies only..?

It's most imagined normal. One of my friends told me she have this problem. She plucks them or shaves them. Apparently it's been close to that for years.
I read Cosmpolitan magazine every month. This has be addressed masses times and it is normal. The magazine say to pluck them.
If your concerned, see your doctor.

What are different ways to do thisimportant.!!?

this is normal, and they are in that for life, if you want to achieve rid of them definitely, laser them...

What is PCOS?

totally ordinary, they should be fine hairs and it cause by hormones only. if you enjoy a hairy house it's ok to day that you will grow excess mane aswell... do the men in your familial have coat on their backs or chests?? do you grown lots of tresses on your legs or arms or lower back? any of these can be honourable indicatiors that you are pre disposed to excess hair grown. you can other teeze or shave, there arnt unbelievably many so they will travel away. if it's a problem that is purely killing you gain electrolsis. Believe me your not the only one, it's a short time ago irrating? good luck

How long does an avererage menstrual cycle(period)last?

Yeah it's common.I've heard that you can pluck them out.. OW!
Or... yeah, shave em past its sell-by date. It's just spike. whateva.

Period, kind of confusing.?

normal, i hold them too. sometimes i notice them, sometimes i don't, i surmise it has to do beside hormones. pluck them, shave them whatever works. i'll be honest, even if i only just leave them my husband doesn't even thought.

I need help out please, woman only?

Young women within their late teens and twenties are at their "peak" when it comes to testosterone level. Growing hair contained by unwanted places often occur and there are masses remedies. Hirsutisn, as it is called, can be a "normal" entity, but it can be caused by other things such as poly-cystic ovary disease and tumors that are secrete abnormal androgens (testosterone belongs to this group of hormones).

If this is something that other women in your kith and kin have experienced, afterwards this is something you probably shouldn't worry roughly speaking. There are things that your physician can do to help preserve the hair growth to a minimum.

If not a soul else in your own flesh and blood has experienced this later you may need a more thorough medical workup. Elevated androgens are associated near many medical problems such as plumpness and hypertension and may be associated with other hormonal problems. It may not be that your testosterone is too lofty, but your estrogens may be too low!

One last thing-- you may want to stay away from foods that contain seriously of indole-3-carbinol. This is a natural estrogen inhibitor and is found in the cabbage groups of vegetables, i.e. brussel sprouts, broccoli and asparagus. Anything dignified in zinc can also aggravate hirsutism.

Check out the reference below and see your physician to make sure your are OK. Do a poke about on hirsutism and get the information for your doctor to aid reduce the quill growth!

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