Intimate women request for information?

Are women not as tight 'down there' after have kids? My mate was conversation about it closing night contained by the pub. I went out beside a single mom for about 6 months and I can honestly articulate I didn't notice any difference. Is he conversation out of his a,r,s,e as usual and can you notice a difference?

How can I gain mass after pregnancy?

I have have 3 kids and my husband says it's no different, can't speak for anyone else though.

Is it ordinary for a girl NOT to be able to hold multiple orgasms?

couldnt tell you have three children but by c section.

Please assistance!?

Obviously having children can make happen a certain looseness - but when a woman is dutiful, she's very correct - and as you say, you really don't make out.

Do girls get their period on all at alike time based on who they live near?

not usually the vagina is elastic

After laprascopic surgery, my dr. said I have an ovary stuck behind my uterus. Why?

All women are different, but yeah some couples who own kids do notice a difference after a vaginal birth, the muscles own been stretched so not as tight. Pelvic floor exercises lend a hand tighten up eveything and I would not expect most men to really notice a difference, unless it be with their long permanent status partner.

Is it necessary for the man and the woman to ?

You and your mate where on earth talking roughly it down the pub, how funny!!
Ive had two kids and after the second initially i reckon there be a difference but everythings back to conventional now!!

Period problems?

I cannot speak for myself, because I don't enjoy kids, but I've heard it is possible for a woman not be as tight down nearby anymore after giving birth. There was a documentary on TV in the order of cosmetic surgeries and there even is a surgery to attain tight down there again. Sounds resembling getting revirginized. :D

Im so freakin scared?

ive have two children. after each i made sure i did my pelvic floor exercises in a jiffy after the birth. i still do religiously and im really glad and so is my partner cause he say ..well not going into too much detail, but its fantastic lol

ParaGuard IUD. Scheduled to attain one and was wondering if anyone have any serious complications/side effects.?

the muscles in the vagina hold a "memory" of sorts. Sure sometimes if a woman doesnt do pelvic floor muscle exercises then she can capture loose down there, but let face it - a penis can be shoved within there time and time again near no difference and a baby can come out of in that - if it COULDN'T go rear to "normal" then it would unquestionably be bigger in the long run.

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