Ladies one and only..?

I have be putting off have a smear test for years, but hold booked one for thursday. I couldn't sleep last dark because I am so worried about it. Everytime I suppose about it I consistency sick.. I think it is because it is my first so don't know what to expect. What is it approaching? Does it hurt?

My poop was green! what does that niggardly?

Firstly don't worry more or less a smear test as it does not hurt a tad humiliated but not painful.

The nurse places a mental type intention I think it's call a clamp within your vagina simply to open you up a bit inside , no worse emotion then a tampon human being inserted. Then they scrap some cell from inside. Slight tugging feeling but unquestionably not painful.

I do make out how you feel, it's more shameful for me having to spread my legs and hold my private parts on show. I have have quite a few smears test done and would never miss one as they are very celebrated. The nurses are so reassuring as they know how we get the impression as they have to own smear tests themselves.

Weight loss minister to!?

congratulations, I had my first one a few weeks ago. It doesn't hurt, it' s over prompt and you just enjoy to think going on for chocolate.
Good luck

Is this normal? obligation answers please im freaking out still?

not at all, they use cotton q tips to collect your juice and BAM! youre outta there.

What should I do?!?

I have mine 2 months ago and I was dreading it. It doesn't really hurt simply uncomfortable and simply takes a few minutes. Please don't verbs about it you will be fine.

Hi sorry lads but girls why when ye seize your periods why does your stomach her so discouraging that u feel close to dying?

It doesnt hurt maybe for a moment uncomfortable but its over pretty spur-of-the-moment. Just think of something else.

How long do you enjoy to be on the pill for it to prevent pregnancy?

for the sex

This sounds really lame, but?

if you are a virgin ,make sure you put in the picture your doc. and they will use a smaller tool on ya.


I know you said Ladies only, so sorry within advance.

I can relate to how you get the impression, if you can compare it to a prostate exam.
It's a nervous time and a bit invasive, but purely grin and bear it.

It's better you do it than not.
Think of the consequences of not doing it.

Loestrin fe24 no time?

No need to verbs. It doesn't really hurt, it can be uncomfortable emotionally because you hold a strange person looking at your "stuff" but save for that the only physically uncomfortableness comes from the clamps which can be cold (ask your doc to hand over them a good rub next to a cloth) and adjusting the clamps which give you a feeling of one streched but its all worth it whwn you bring a good result and you KNOW your fine. Good Luck!

I'm 5'5 213lbs and my doctors say I'm obese. Am I? I don't look obese when I look in the mirror.

It hurts a moment or two because of the pressure but it is tolerable , you will be fine. It is very historic to have one done. Good Luck!

How do you reduce period pains?

Its not a problem unless you stressed up, its over in a moment but it is cold, what ever is on that item they use. Dont worry lately relax.

Is it bad to binge for afternoon?

If you relax, there won't be any problem.

What is camel toe?

as soon as anyone puts ladies solitary the men come flocking.
hey don't worry roughly speaking it, I'm not a woman,but I've been prodded and poked,and swabs took from places that would fetch that various tears to your eyes,than peeling the strongest onion.from what the wife say its a must to have it done,and is more mortifying than anything else..don't worry roughly speaking it.
just another entry,the wife was more anxious waiting for her results to come pay for.

For GIRLS only (PLEASE).?

I own had some doctors near a gentle touch, some short. It all depends.

I enjoy to admit that I am more sensitive than common.

Deep breathing helps. Good luck!

Fewer or no period?

I know its a frightening experience the first time but after you have have it done you will wonder what all the fuss be about it take seconds and it doesn't hurt its a moment ago embarrassing but you can ask for a woman Dr or nurse to do the test

Can masturbation be venomous?

Its embarrasing and uncomfortable but it does not hurt and its over contained by a matter of a few minutes. Don't put it bad it could save your natural saved mine!

Late term question?

It is mortified.
Take some painkillers before you travel.

Cosmetic surgery?

i had my first seven years ago! i put it rotten more times than i could count why i ain't got a clue as immediately i know it doesn't hurt, my nurse is nice which I'm sure most are and it ain't that embrassing. i have immediately worked in attention to detail for six years and trust me im seen that abundant peoples privates its just resembling looking at hands you dont reason about what your looking at you freshly do what job wishes doing down there and never bat an eyelid, this is like peas in a pod for all condition professionals. just stay as relaxed as you can and its over near in a flash. receive sure you go as they are essentail next to being a woman biddable luck and dont fret you will be fine :-)

Health insurance in Michigan ?

it will hurt only if u getting scared or something by staying calm it wont hurt much

HEY any of you start cramping and sore boobs 5 days back you start your period?

well done for getting the courage i know its not confident to do i had to literally be dragged by my friend lol but im glad i did because i found out that i did hold something wrong with me a bit than leaving it which i would enjoy done, so once you have it you will know if everythings ok so that will be one smaller amount thing to verbs about. its not that impossible, i was really disconcerted but when it came to it here really wasnt much to worry around, it hurt for me but i have PID so im sore in attendance anyway. im sure you will be fine, remember to relax

What happens if you missed 7 (seven ) birth control pills?

It simply fels like ait of scrap against bone, sounds awful but really its just humiliated. Deep breathing to relax yourself helps, you hold to remember it has to be done. Don't work yourself up almost it too much, tell the nurse your fearful, she'll ease you, promise! I've be having them nearly 10yrs immediately, its going to be ok.

Why woman masturbate?

Please don't is painless, simply a little mortified for the first few seconds. Good luck!

I want a breast opening, whats it going to cost me? i am not even a full A cup. are there expense plans?

Well done for booking an appointment for a smear test . Don't verbs about have it . You will be asked to remove your knickers lie on the couch , put your heels together relax and permit your knees flop apart.They will insert a metal or plastic instrument in to your vagina and scrap a few cell from your cervix .it is not pleasant but it does not hurt . I am a complete wimp so don't verbs if I can have it done anyone can It merely takes second .

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