I have a problem...ably, not really a problem...more of a concern, I guess...but..please answer!?

Okay...so tonight I have be urinating almost every 30 minutes, maybe even smaller quantity. And I feel full, but adjectives I do is want to EAT. I am trying not to eat, but sometimes I can't aid it because I want it so bad. This is almost the first time this has happen ever in my natural life, because I hate to consistency so full like this because it make me feel sick...but for some basis I can't help it! What's the contract?!

**I'm 13.


Feeling sick?

yeah, this is serious

check up with a doctor fast, your probably not going to get sufficient medical give support to here

Do u shave when you have sex?

Frequent urination is a sign of a bladder infection. Go to urgent care and take this checked out.

How do you make your breasts smaller?

Don't pregnant relatives pee alot?

Do you think..?

you may fixing to attain your period if you haven't allready

What would be the tiniest painful passageway to die?

Why don't you go try asking your dad?

Do you similar to your period?

talk to an fully fledged about this. that's not well brought-up to be urinating so much. do you have a parent or elder brother or sister you can talk to roughly this? you may need to see a doctor.

Please answer!?

have your parents call for your doctor -there is one available 24/7.

Hypothyroid taking meds.what happens if thyroid is still out of whack even when meds are increased?

I know you are 13 and I hope this isn't the covering but could you be pregnant

Tampon Help!?

get a prego test!

How does abortion work?(no im not pregnant!)?

sounds close to its a kidney or bladder infection

Is there any other women out here that has and IUD at age 51?

Sounds approaching you may be starting your period. PMS cramping can fashion you feel similar to you have to run and have cravings. If you don't catch your period soon, you may involve to see a doctor because frequent urination is a sign of diabetes.

Can this cause losing virginity?

dont freak out!! just stir to a doctor and see whats wrong.. dont worry

I dont receive this.Tampon question?

you could hold a craving for something you don't know what it is

What was that i a moment ago touched?

You should talk to your mum give or take a few going to the doctor. you could have diabetes. Do you get the impression thirsty all of the time. You could also be reaction depressed and compensating by overeating. You need give support to. If you can't rely on family articulate to a school counselor almost how you feel.

If it's not a UTI, afterwards what is it?

Engage in a hobby or interest that forceful like utter, doing a puzzle, or taking awalk in the park with the dog...item s to keep your mind bad the problem.

Where to buy a femal condom simulating virginity, i read about it , but i cauldn't found it?

are you wretched about something? Sometimes when i go and get emotional or w/e i find comfort in food--- like mad of it..
find something else to do, and stop thinking about ingestion.
Maybe try excercising...

But about the urinating problem.. you may also enjoy urinary track infection (im just dictum.. you maaaay, don't get adjectives crazy)
Just in travel case drink some cranberry juice, because it help strengthen the immune system and gets rid of those kind of infections

Big breast'ed women ONLY, plz?

Well, with a signature like Miss Lonely, I would be prone to thinking that you are depressed.

This is for a while detail but i need to know what it could be. Discharge?

frequent urination can also indicate diabetes, if it runs in your family circle get it checked, food cravings are an indication your not intake right take flawless vit-min supplement and eat okay balanced diet!

Last month I have my period for something close to 17 days. Now I'm having other problems.?

come on ladies! serve this girl out - there are issues at work here that a 42 year antiquated guy can't understand, consent to along try to explain.

Irregular periods?

it s probly a habbit you can break it iam 13

Girls individual. please i need facilitate.?

When I first got my length I felt close to I had to pee adjectives the time. If not go to the doctor because that happen to my friend and she got diabetes. Good luck!

HELP!! My time never came!!?

Simply stated, you are probably have hormonal cravings. If it continues you need to check out what's out of whack. Nothing serious, may of late need to slightly adjustment your diet, take supplements or own your hormone levels checked. As far as the urinating -- be you bloated before you started your length? I used to put on up to 7 pounds of fluid a few days before I get mine and then it be like the flood gate opened up and I would lose it within two days. I can't make a judgement on row, but if you feel fine otherwise, no burning when you travel or abdominal discomfort other than extent - I would guess this is it. Next month watch your soda and saline intake 1 to 2 weeks before your term and see what happens. If you experience any burning or it doesn't move about away in a year, you can buy strips at the drug store, Rite Aid carries them, that you pee on and it give you an idea of whether or not you own a bladder infection, or you can call the doctor's organization and go contained by for a quick urine testing and if need be antibiotics.

Why does it hurt?

For your age, this may be conventional, just remember to exercise after ingestion all that foods.
PMS pills put together u pee more by ridding the body of water weightiness gain, bloating,
I say of late drink you more water and milk and compress an empty pepsi bottle beside hot water and put on your belly close by belly button.

I'm curious, I've heard of elder women getting hysterectomies and their tubes tied, but I was wondering..

I meditate that it is because you are having you extent because when i have mines to be precise all i do

Do girls urinate through vagina or do they hold another hole through which they urinate?

You might be getting ready to start your length. I always guzzle more before it comes. If it doesn't hurt when you pee consequently it's not an infection but sounds more like your body is preparing for your extent.

Is this girl gross or what?

ok dont completly freak, im 13 too and this happened to me once just about 3 months ago, it was unnatural i just have to pee very 20 mins or so. it last for about5-7 days then it stopped, hasnt acted since! if it continues over a week or so you may want to confront this next to your family!

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