Can you go and get pregnant whilst having sex during your length?

i heared you can but also heared you can't! mixed answers!!

What might cause breaking hymen ? doesn't come to pass often but you can take pregnant while on your period. Read what I found below.

For a long time women hold been asking if they can receive pregnant when they have their interval. The answer has gone support and forth, but one clear answer is that there is not a time during your cycle when you are free of the risk of getting pregnant. The justification for this is that there are women who hold gotten pregnant at just nearly every time during their cycle, including their period! Every woman is different and while it is very intermittent for a woman to get pregnant while menstruating, near is a very slim possibility.

While it is not typical for women to grasp pregnant during their period, women regularly have bleeding that they mistake for their extent and they become pregnant as a result. Stress and other issues may cause mid-cycle bleeding and if a woman assumes that she is have her period and have unprotected sex she may have sperm that are alive and ably for five to seven days after this time. If the woman ovulates or has lately ovulated during or around this time, it may appear as though the woman has gotten pregnant during her interval when she really has not. This is where on earth knowing ones body will really come in handy, but sometimes it really can be tricky to determine what is really going on when you are bleeding.

Another typical issue is that some women ovulate before menstrual bleeding have stopped or it happens only just as the period is finishing up. Either process, if you have unprotected sex back or just after your length you can end up pregnant by the cease of your menstrual cycle! Usually when a woman becomes pregnant during or right around the time of her interval it is due to the longevity of sperm. If you have sex around the time that you ovulate you are at risk of becoming pregnant, even if it is during or around the time of your length!

For so long women have be told that it is not possible to achieve pregnant during their menstrual cycle so they believe that they can freely enjoy unprotected sex and not verbs about pregnancy. The certainty is that most women do not get pregnant around this time, but at hand are some women that do not have the typical cycle and they can and will become pregnant if adjectives of the ideal circumstances get together up. Never say never next to the human body because there is a far-reaching range of what can be considered common or probable, and because every body is unique nearby are women that will become pregnant on the first through the last afternoon of their cycle.

Why does it always hurt when I enjoy sex?

Yes. There is never a time when you can't get pregnant.. You're never 100% undisruptive even WITH protection.


It's a possibility. And it's kinda gross, you can't give it a break for a few days?

Uterine cancer?

it isnt extremely likely but it could happen/ if you arent arranged for kids i woulnt take the risk

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Very, very, extraordinarily unlikely.

But as so many ethnic group like to read out on this board....any type of sex with no protection could head to pregnancy. Not everyone has a "normal" cycle or body. I'm sure nearby are a few women out there who may ovulate on their term! Just like within are a few women who have a term when they are pregnant.

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no no no no--- ug-- ok look i dont know how out-of-date u are nothing-- but when ur on ur period its ur body flushing the un used egg outta u--- soo the egg thats in within is dead an no right so ur body is making it go bye bye----now--- surrounded by about 2 weeks after ur term u can get preg-- cuz here an egg sitting there readin a book bein bored waiting to procure attacked by sperm-- lol--- soo not on the rag-- but try in 2 weeks approaching a rabbit---- or by an ovulation test at wal mart to find out when ur fertile--- biddable luck byes

Vomiting and diarrhea on 1st day of time of year?

Since you have no style to know precisely when the unfertilized ovum has be expelled, consider this a "dangerous" time. In other words, yes, it is possible to can become pregnant.

GIRLS! If you use the oral contraceptive pill also known as the "the pill" please convey me your experience?

A doctor told me that's the best time to get pregnant. When he told me I be , and I told I couldn't be because that was the singular time we would have sex.

What is wrong next to me?

Yes, you can. You can always bring back pregnant unless you're infertile or post-menopause. So, make sure you protect yourself and your partner (the pill and condoms).

Is it true that you can hold a miscarriage and not know it?

defenitly YES!!!!

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Answer: It's possible — but highly unlikely. You'd hold to have a hugely short menstrual cycle, which is the time from the first day of one time to the first day of the subsequent period, or a leaning to have long period. This would bring the time of ovulation closer to the time when you would start bleeding.

Conception occurs when an egg and sperm come across in a fallopian tube. Sometime during the middle of your menstrual cycle, most expected between the 12th and 16th days, an egg reaches old age in one of the two ovaries.
The ovary releases the egg into the belly, where it's like a shot sucked up by the tulip-shaped opening of the nearest fallopian tube.

An egg can survive contained by your fallopian tube for about 24 hours after it's released from the ovary. So the merely way you can obtain pregnant is if sperm are present in your fallopian tube during this glass of opportunity. If the egg isn't fertilized, it's shed along with your uterine facing during your period.

Typically, when you hold your period, another egg is developing in preparation for release during the current cycle. But not every woman's cycle length is one and the same. Many women have a cycle that's going on for 28 days long, but some have cycles as short as 22 days long. If you hold a shorter cycle, you could ovulate just a few days after you own your period. And considering that sperm can survive in your reproductive tract for up to three days, it's conceptually possible for the sperm to hang around until you ovulate again.

It's also possible to mistake breakthrough bleeding — spotting between your period — for a regular period. So you may be bleeding right at the time of ovulation, when you're most fertile.

The time that it take for an egg to develop, or mature, in the ovary can vary, and therefore, the actual light of day of ovulation can vary by several to several days. Some ovulation kits also stub the "fertile time" on rising estrogen levels fairly than the peak of luteinizing hormone, or LH, which is the actual trigger for egg release. In those situations the "fertile time" may appear to be longer.

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