What is wrong next to me?

I have to start bad by saying I have a very unpromising emotional and physical up bringing and enjoy been abused by an ex bf and logically was forced to enjoy two abortions by him. But I have found that I enjoy a hard time getting turned on IF I DO AT ALL. Im a exceedingly attractive women and have no problem getting guys but when it comes down to have sex I find that im not interested whatsoever. I dont know if its all contained by my head or if im really only so messed up, that i will never be able to be turned on again. Does anyone know what i should do to fix this im 24 and enjoy always have this problem even growing up into my teenage years i never feel the need to do anythign sexual to myself ( you draw from the drift). If anyone can shed some light on this for me or let somebody know me what could be wrong with me please assistance.

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emotional problems...ive a few friends who enjoy been contained by your situation,or worse.but,they went and talk to doctors and are working out their issues ...maybe you should do matching if that hasnt been tried already.

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please get professional sustain the mind does not have the tools to alleviate itself and it is your mind that is broken not your sex drive ( be there done that )

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I'd voice it is in your director. Sex is a form of intimacy - which you don't have a physical good track transcription with. Not everyone have the same even of sex drive and there are society who are just asexual (but probably won't acknowledge it) - there is a trellis site started by a self avowed asexual just wanting other to know they be not alone. Which is all anybody really requests.

You could try increasing your testosterone levels by taking DHEA which you can find in a US robustness food store, but not in Canada. Low level can cause low sex drive.

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If you were forced to enjoy two abortions, you certainly have some emotionally trauma which took away some active constituent of your libido! I had similar experience: I've be abused by my ex boyfriend, and then, I have a serious therapy for two years and during that time of year I was walking the street resembling a lost case! Now, 3 years subsequent, I feel exceptionally sexy, have a strong relationship and, what is most considerable, for the first time I have genuine friends! These people in a minute my story, believe in me, support me, and as expected, I believe in myself more consequently ever! Time told me my mistakes. Be patient, get underway your eyes and you will see the Sun! Your angel of the heart looks about you! Good luck and be brave!

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