I know this sounds stupid but I keep praying to God to dispense me my period because I want to surface what it feels close to to put a tampon in. What does it have a feeling like?

Stretch results?

It's not stupid to be want to experience your period. Many childlike women want it. But don't get too excited roughly speaking it. It can be a real affliction...
My first period be at 11 years old and it be tough because I don't have a mom. Since I be young and strange to periods I used with the sole purpose pads, but the subsequent year tampons interested me (pads can be leaky and annoying during the heavy days) and I tried them.

Tampons do not break your hymen or transport your virginity!

Trust me, tampons (even the jumbo size ones) are way smaller than a penis and a newborn. It's painless. The vagina stretches. It can feel rather weird for you, especially if you're a young-looking teen, but never painful for most girls. When they're inserted properly, you shouldn't perceive them at all. That's why they're flawless if you're active or contained by school, ect. A panty liner should be used to corner tiny spotting when you wear them.

When you DO get your time, use pads first, and tampon-using take practice. I bought a pack with mixed sizes when starting out and used the smallest size when erudition how to insert it. Squatting down and using a mirror helped me see where on earth it went and made erudition easy. Then I started practicing on the toilet near a regular size. I was a bit slow contained by using them at first, but now I can alteration my tampons VERY fast.

NEVER wear tampons if you aren't have your period. You also have need of a good flow to use tampons. Don't wear a size too big. If you call for a little bit of extra lubricant when study to insert tampons, use water. Don't dip the tampon within water or it will expand. Just drizzling the applicator a tiny bit. You should have adequate blood for it to be inserted smoothly, though.

Periods have their hurricane lantern days and their heavy days and not adjectives girls bleed the same, so you'll probably not use tampons during your full period. With me, I merely use tampons if my flow's heavy (usually within the beginning on my period) or when going out. When I sleep pad are more comfy. The whole inserting entity feels annoying for me after a while and I have need of a break for a couple hours or the rest of my cycle, so I always own some pads.

Oh, and remember to NEVER depart your tampon in for more than 8 hours. No such point as a tampon being lost surrounded by there, it's not big ample. (lol) If it ever does get 'lost', next just squat, push down on your tummy, and push it out of your vagina close to you would when you use the bathroom.

What happen when your Bartholin's Gland become blocked?

tampons are bad for you

Is my girl pregnat?

Ewwww, trust me, you'll loathe having your length once you do.

What helps you return with over PMS symptons?

Umm idk im scared

Should abortion be private?

why do you want to waste money on tampons and undies

Do any other women move about through this!?

if it's in right, you won't even know it's in that. If it's not it will feel annoying and you'll want to appropriate it right out.

I think I own an eating problem..?

It doesn't really get the impression like anything.once its in nearby, you can't feel it. Putting it in doesn't hurt or anything any so its really not anything.

Do you prefer a manly or female gyno?

you dont want your term soo fast. within gym it would be a whole lot easier. im not sayig ahving your length is bad of late diffucult somtimes. tampon? well doesnt get the impression like anything special.

I hold started my period not long ago but ineed back. how can i stop leaking at darkness?

for me, before I have intercourse with my husband for the first time, tampons be very prickly for me. I couldn't put one in even if I relaxed completely and tried at different angles. After I have intercourse, it was more jammy for me, but still uncomfortable. I enjoy found feminine pads to be the best route to go.

Am i pregnant?

It get the impression kinda weird at first
but afterwards you can't feel it at all
and sumtimes they are firm to take out
and hurt:(
i be the same course
i wannted to get my period
but in a minute i just option it would go away:)

Good luck
Have a Great Day

If u own any other question
furnish me a holla

Period after pregnancy?

um, I think if you own to ask this question after you need to be chitchat with your mother.

This isn't a press for people on the Internet that you don't know. This is personal.

PS. it hurts approaching hell!

Can you use petroleum jelly as a personal lubricant?

ye ok
when you start getting really bad crapms ull pray to God you never have it

A question almost that time of the month?

Why would you pray for something like that? You'll be aware of REALLY dumb a couple of years from now when you've have to spend gads of money on those amazing tampons and even more on new underwear.

I am really flap sensitiveand am having a BIG problem next to wearing a bra. It is SO uncomfortable. Help!?

you don't wonder how it feel to wear a pad?


its sucks have your period stop praying

What can i do not to bleed after my first sex?

Your spell is a real throbbing, so you don't want it any sooner than you have to. Putting a tampon in is no big matter and once it is in, you can't be aware of it. The first time you put one in the best proposal I can give you is to relax. Good luck


Its not really a scratchy thing its purely a bit unconfortable and can be kind of difficult to put surrounded by the first time.

Where can I find a cheap vibrator?

your period will come when your body is in place and God will not make it come any sooner than that. Putting in a tampon feel like inserting the toilet composition tube if it is a cardboard aplicator, and if it is a plastic aplicator it feels similar to it does when you slip your finger in. you don't have to be on your spell to try an insert a tampon just don't wear it for an extended time put it contained by wear it 10 min then thieve it out. Always bware of toxic shock syndrome (TSS) and be sure you read the insert in the box

For anyone who has have an IUD and has have it removed.?

Ok wait. First, it does NOT break your hymen. Thats a myth.

Secondly, some woman are more comfortable next to a sanitary pad than a tampon. For some women, when done correctly, tampons do not hurt and you don't even make out them. If your uncomfortable, use a sanitary wad the first six months or so when you do get your term.

All woman are different so whether it's comfortable for you or not is something more of trial and error.

And no, tampons are NOT bad for you. Just maintain in mind almost Toxic Shock Syndrome. (TSS) It can occur if you make tracks a tampon in for method too long. At least twelve hours. Don't do that. Change regularly if you want to start with tampons.

P.s. Don't verbs bout getting your period so soon.. It will come eventually. Need anything else, consent to me know. :O)

Change in birth control?

you should delight in it while you can because having your length sucks, you dont want cramps, backaches or have leaks and never knowing exactly when it will start. Oce you seize it you will want to go put money on to how it was in the past.

Can you get an iud if you hold not resumed your period?

DO NOT i repeat DO NOT pray to god for your term. it is not a wonderful thing, unless you close to bloody underwear. it takes a long time to know how to put surrounded by a tampon, i just contained it and im 13, and at first it feels close to a bubble but then you may draw from used to it. i hurts when you sit down though. be blessed that youre a "late one"

How can i stop bein so moody?

Well the first couple of times it will hurt for similar to a min,but then after that you don`t even have a feeling them.

This website will help you bunches! I`m 16 and used this site when i first get my period to answer some question that i had but didn`t want to ask.

What are the symptoms of Thrush, how is it cause and what is the best way to treat it?

trust me...i be excited 5 yrs next i HATE it.

My friend wanted hold sex but she is scared because she is a virgin?

it hurts, i dont use tampons at adjectives. i tried once (yes i knew what to do) and i couldnt gain it in adjectives the way, and it hurt wat little i did go and get in.i jsut use pad. pads arent as annoying as several ppl think they r...dont verbs i didnt get my interval until a month before freshman year of hgih college

Severe 2 week prior?

nottin special...i ma 13 and i got my extent about 2 years ago and trust me i know how u be aware of ...i wanted my extent cause i be guessing that it was going to arise for 2 years. once it does u kinda just forget in the order of it...putting a tampon doesnt feel approaching much of anything if u use a plastic aplicator...if u use a cardboard one it can hurt a little...basically relax and it wil ccome when its ready...and by the process ur question isnt stupid

Is it majority to get home sick?

It doesn't grain like anything. There might be a bit discomfort the first time, you there demonstrability are "good" feelings. Why do you want your length? I can't believe that you actually want the cramps, inconvenience, etc. that comes along near it.

Stopping birth control suddenly?

You'll hate tampons trust me.
God have a plan for everyone.

NervousWhat to expect?!?!?

it doesn't feel approaching any thing. ive be using them for close to a year now and i never feel any thing while doing it. its not going to perceive like sex if thats what you want to know though

Whats the best brand of tampons for sports?


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