IS nearby a website to know the medicaine u are taken?

like the pill book but online?

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Are you asking if at hand's a site that can help you identify unknown pills, yes nearby is, it's called

If you want to know roughly a pill that was prescribed to you simply type the name and look it up on your explorer slab.

What is.? has a drug hint on that site which lists drugs alphabetically and all the nutritional deficiency that the particular drug cause and it also lists specified side affects.

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um i dont know but just survey like free pill booklet online

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There are bazillions of websites that offer information on drugs. Most drugs (if a brand nickname drug) have their own websites as very well. You may want to start with a site approaching

I have a clear subtance coming from my brest what is it ? have good information give or take a few medications, and most every medication is on in that even some of the very untried ones that are on the market.

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