Can you step swimming with a wipe?

My new boyfriend desires to hang out (with adjectives our friends) at the pool. And i just HAD to return with my period today at 2 am within the morning! I'm too young to use tampons (according to my Mom), so, can I run swimmin' with a PAD?! i HAVE to travel. i just own to go!! my flow isn't that beefy btw

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NO. The pad will attain soaked with marine, and get really big and unhealthy and drip water, so it will be totally apparent to everyone that you're wearing one.
You can go to the pool in need swimming - just wear shorts and explain you're not swimming today and look angrily at anyone who ask questions - the girls will read between the lines and the boys will be too embarassed to press the issue.
Talk to your Mom again about using tampons - in that really is no reason why you can't use tampons at any age. If she still won't agree, suggest you both dicuss the business with your doctor, and agree to follow anything your doctor suggests.

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No, you cannot swim beside a pad. in recent times don't get contained by the water.

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No it won't work. Trying could take you realllyy embarresed so I wouldn't.

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nope - sorry.

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I dont recommend it. Next point you know there'll be a wad or a piece of it floating in the pool. I suggest you sit this one out.

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It is inaapropriate and risky to other swimmers, if you be in motion swimming during you period wearing a wad, tampo or any thing

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no. youll be approaching a baby at the shoreline. itll mega absorb and be a moment ago as embarissing if you didnt. somehow, someway, get a tampon.

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no you can't...freshly explain the situation to your mom and maybe she will consent to you use a tampon.

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The pad will become highly soggy, and may fall out due to the increased immensity from the water. Use the smallest size tampon, and don't push it contained by too far.

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Well you *could*, but it would be useless. The marine would carry away the discharge previously it ever reached the wipe, leading to mighty embarassing situations. Sorry.

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NO! I really wouldn't recommend going next to a pad...visualize it like a swells up and might loose it's stick when raining...If you can't use tampons I would recomend just sagging out with your friends, dangle you legs contained by the pool and lay out but I really wouldn't go surrounded by with a wipe on. Might turn into somthing really embaressing. Hope you have a super time!

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No not unless you want it to float and get embaressed. Just sit out and make conversation. You can use a tampon no matter the age.

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no the water will get hold of soaked up instead of the me ive tried
try explaining 2 your mom...youre not too young to hold a boyfriend, but yu can't wear tampons?

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I don't deliberate it would be a good perception for you to wear a pad to swim surrounded will absorb the hose and then it will be apparent and you will be completely embarrassed. I don't estimate it would be noticeable if you be to stay out of the water though. This is one of those times within life when have a period really stinks.

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Pads in hose down... bad. Take one and put it surrounded by the tub, and you'll see why. It gets huge next to water, and afterwards it breaks apart rather confidently, you'll be shedding chunks everywhere. Also, it'll make your bathing suit puff out and you'll look resembling you've got something that no feminine should have.

Try to get hold of a tampon, whatever track you can. If you're old adequate to have a extent, you're old adequate to have a tampon. That's what they're made for.

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I have done it contained by my own home pool. Just make correct there are bathroom services around so you can change pad. I believe that you should wear shorts over you suit and put a big bandage on your arm. Tell everyone you can't receive your arm wet, and forget just about swimming. If your friends know, it will gross them out!

Should i?.. please help?

Gross! Use a tampon!

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forget it getting huge thats a short time ago disgusting you might as well turn and dangle urself over the pool and bleed in the dampen ewww dont you have pride

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No, you can't. If you can't wear a tampon (which I totally do not understand -- since if you're dated enough to own your period, you're outdated enough for a tampon)... after you will have to look cute contained by your suit and lay on the lounge chair. You can not procure in the pool beside a pad! It doesn't thing how light your flow is.

First of adjectives, it will expand (due to absorbing water) then it will look approaching a diaper or mattress, then lose its sticky stuff and could fall out -- presently how embarrassing would that be contained by front of your BF and his friends?!?!?!

You can have fun anyway!!

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No, trying to swim beside a pad can create other problems. I would suggest in recent times sitting at the edge of the pool and putting your foot in the river. This is what I often did whenever I would shift to my uncle's house and go to his pool.

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sorry honey u cant wear a wipe in the sea

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SORRY ! You can't i want they would let you but they don't. But it is ok. Tell your mom again how you touch and you know how to put one in. Tell her it is esteemed. If she still says know lately go own a good time and basically dip your feet contained by the pool. But just don't wear one. It would be degrading. Good luck.

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