Help me PLEASE i don't know what else to do!!

Im 22, 5'6 and almost 150 lbs =[
I need to lose some weight...not contained by any big hurry but would like to drop 10-15lbs by September 3. I just started a diet and exercise program today consisting of cardio and wishy-washy weight lifting and crunches. is there any other stuff i can do? i can't buy any dvds or any other stuff cuz ive be out of work. i have been drinking pretty healthy like salad, fruits, veggies, tuna fish, and river. no junk whatsoever but im wondering would an actual serving size of ice cream (like serving size 1 cup) put an extremity to any of my hard work? any other things that i can eat to put in to my diet? any help would be greatly appreciated!

please no rude comments

Answers:    An 'actual serving' of ice cream is 1/2 cup, usually. It's not going to backing. Your goal is fairly ambitious. 2.5 pounds a week is full-bodied, and with that you barely scratch 10.

If you're going to have a treat during this time, realize it will be a setback, but limit number of times and amount, so you don't get demoralized. Such as, 1/2 cup of ice cream once a week or something..
It sounds resembling you're still within the acceptable shipment range for your height and age. Making your diet more hygienic and sticking to your exercise should get you back down to a counterbalance you're comfortable with pretty quickly.

Here's what I do when I'm craving some second-hand goods food: I ask myself, "Would eating this now engender my happier than being at my goal cargo later?" Usually, the answer is "No!" So skip the ice cream. Or find a more in shape alternative like frozen yogurt or fat-free ice cream..
within is this diet that my parents went on and it worked pretty damn fast.

It tell you what food you should and shouldn't eat according to your BLOOD TYPE.

that website will tell you more going on for it, try it out..
the it helped me loose 50 pounds the save glib way get an acount drink river before you shower.

do yoga or stretches before and after so when you exercise it doesnt go hard in to muscles..

excercise in the morning - because you ahven't eat anything.. but
don't do anything that will make you faint.

excercise at darkness - because you have to kill adjectives the calories you ate

also when you start wanting food brush your teeth
i no it sounds crazy but it kills your cravings because of the sweetness
in the tooth soft mass.

also goto Saunas.. ,,,, sweating is good :)
and dont eat rime cream!! that's one of the #1 enemies for people who are dieting...
dont goto sleep right after u get through.. that will make ur stomach bigg..
and after you exercise walk around and dont sit because that will
be paid your bum huge.
and try to chew slowly when you eat.. that helps you from ingestion too much.
and when you are not doing anything walk around your house while readin gor something.. exercising is how long you do it .. not how hard you do it..

FOod: tofu, full grain stuff, ... popcorn - no butter! , and.. cook
everything ur self,, because then you know what's surrounded by them...

ok, that's it.. hope it works out well.
Diets don't really work, just cut down on crisps, coke, rime cream etc, cut down E numbers, it'll help. For like 7 months I couldn't hold coke, ice cream or food/drink that contains a high amounts of e numbers coz I be allergic to them(supposedly) and after 7 months I've lost all this weight. It's solitary now that I've started it again, the e number foods, except fizzy drinks, it's made me lost a lot of weight(i needed to lose cargo, doctor said).

Sit-ups help as well, exercises your stomach muscles.
Dropping 10 pounds surrounded by a month is what we call "unrealistic."

All you need to do to lose substance is limit your CALORIES, and cardiovascular exercise. This means that no situation what you eat, as long as you stay under a lasting number of calories you will drop pounds. For you that magic number is probably 1200.

It is good to devour healthy foods, for your overall health and liveliness level. However don't deprive yourself as you will ultimately end up depriving yourself of nutrients your body requests.

Anyway, cardio is your key to weight loss. 30 minute minimum. 1 hour is great. Try to swing your routine so you don't get bored.

One serving size of ice cream won't put an wrap up to your hard work. You should treat yourself occasionally or you'll be surprised at how fast you dive off the wagon. Just be sure to control yourself BEFORE you start eating and work out a little harder the subsequent day. For example, you can say to yourself, "I will delight in one ice cream sandwich, not two, and I will add 10 minutes to my cardio tomorrow."

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