Tubes tied?
Any info will be great
Answers: Well the only one i hold heard is 21 and 2 kids. I hold a friend who is 24 and she got her tubs ties at 21 because she have 2 kids. Well i hope this helped. Good luck and God Bless.
Well it vary from state to state. If you're serious about getting your tubes tied afterwards go speak near a doctor. My friend is 19 and has three babies and they won't tie her tubes because she's too young at heart. So go tell to your doctor or even look it up on the internet. never heard a rule,my ex wife have our third child in indiana,age 25 have tubes cut,and burnt.that be 8yrs ago.
I don't think near is a magic age or number of kids. I remember when going within for mine they wanted to know everything...similar to was I with good cheer married, how many kids I have. They did everything possible to talk me out of it. If when you are anyone asked all of these question and you are hesitant or doubtful at adjectives they won't do it. The problem I had be finding a doctor who would do it, but I had mine done at age 24 beside only one child.