Help Tampon problem?

I'm a 19 year old girl and when i have sex last dark i forgot to take out my tampon formerly he went inside me ,and i dont know if the tampon fell out or if its still in me how can fine out? should i be worried?

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This sounds eccentric and quite yuck but trust me! squat on the ground so ur bums almost sitting but ur knees are touching ur frontage and bend foward at the same time push humanely, theres no where for it to progress so it must be up there.. own a fish around being surrounded by this position should push towards the entrance. He cant push it in really far merely flatten it against ur uterus wall, imagine u own a ball inside, thats kinda what the inside of ur vagina is, the merely way up is the 'straw' it will definitly be in near

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dig your fingers in in attendance and see if u can feel it


if i be you I would go see a doctor. Im not too shure what to read aloud about this one

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Ask him to help you find it.

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my girlfriend say to stick your finger up and see, there is nowhere for it to dance.

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Where be you when you had sex? If you don't see a tampon anywhere, it is predictable still in you...which mechanism you will need a doc to remove it and you entail to have that done ASAP!

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Your going ot have to put your fingers in your vagina and grain for it. It's not like it can run too far. That God you have a cervix for that. If you perceive it, take it out. If you don't consequently look for it. Confront the person you have sex with and ask him. Sure it may be embarassing, but it's for your own suitable. Good luck.

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It's prob still inside. Go in nearby and see if you can find the cord. If not, I'd see a doctor.

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Insert a couple of fingers into your vagina and feel around. If you get the impression a tampon, it's in at hand, if you don't, it's already come out. You should do this as soon as possible, however, as the longer a tampon is left contained by, the higher your risk for toxic shock syndrome is, and if you chew over it's been contained by since last darkness, I would seriously try to find that tampon.

Missed Period?

yes,very worried you could obtain tss,you better go to the er right going on for NOW

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Ok resourcefully if this isn't a joke, you could a short time ago see if it is still inside you... they do go up far but you shoudl know how to still grasp it if it is in you and verbs it out.

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you should be immensely worried a tampon cannot fall out by itself it must still be contained by there.. What where on earth you thinking? Have you heard of Toxic Shock Syndrome (TSS) is an condition caused by in danger of extinction bacteria which occur mostly in menstruating women who are using lofty absorbency tampons.
Go to the doctor and check if you still have it.

Regular but short period?

Well, if you didn't find it around where you have sex, it is probably still inside. (Don't be too embarrassed, you aren't the first one it's happen to -- me & my g/f in big school once) What to do... Well, if he is your regular b/f, you might want to ask him to come over and see if he can retrieve it. But you want to remove it, and be sure that it is not in you, because if it remains, the toxins can build up
(from the facing of the uterus) and cause toxic shock syndrome which can be particularly dangerous, even mortal. So if you/him/a friend can't get it, you entail to go to a doctor. OK? Sorry and don't be dismayed. Take care.

Summers eve, i've used it & immediately i have some irritation. i'm on my interval so should i use a tampon?

one time i thought the tampon fell out so i put another one in in that and later that daylight i went ot adjustment it and both of them came out. Nothing happen, but you have to pay attention because of toxic shock syndrome, even though its not as serious as it used to be, there is a coincidence it could happen. I suggest you see your gyno if it doesnt come out surrounded by a day or two.

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YOu Do Not involve a doctor! There is nowhere for it to go!! Put two fingers inside and get the impression for it, it might take you some time, but you can grasp it out on your own.

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Well, it sounds similar to you are going to need to use both hand on this one girlfriend. After this is taken care of I deliberate you are ready to drop up a couple sizes on tampons in the adjectives.

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Go c a doctor. The same entry happen to my friend after awhile it started stinking really desperate down there so she go to the doctors and they said she had a rotten tampon within here. she had to gain surgery.

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don't know

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