Ladies , i really dont understand you or your sexuality?

first i am not kidding i am exceptionally seriuse
if i ask any woman about sex she transmit that women are not like men they are not optical and not so physical and not so interest in manly features or man's body parts they are emotional and mental ( althouth men also are emotional)
but if women are resembling that , why they choose men to be mates and why they attracted to men just? i mena if some one treat them well and hold care going on for them and love them...etc i mean tender them all passionate needs regardless of sexual category , is that mean that they will be sexual attracted to him or her?
regardless of his or her masculinity or physical features , and is that make for example her best friend sexy or parents...etc?
and why women dont own sex with eachothers for example specially some studies share that women aroused visually by eachothers and most women fantasize about individual with another girl..and somethings close to these , so why they dont do this with a dutiful kind self-esteem girl , why most women choose men ?

Is anyone else sick of?

I believe that God created men and women to be attracted and respond to one another. There are outside features that we see 'first' in our direct attraction to one another, and that causes the couple who might want to verbs to 'get to know' the other. In this, you find your attraction in your beliefs, your like and dislikes, the things that you find are common to both of you (sports, movies, etc.) You agree and as men and women talk together, they determine if they approaching each other. Picture this: a man is looking at a woman's body parts (first) her obverse, her waist, her hips, her hair, her jaws: things that are sexually attractive to him. A woman looks at his hands, his facade, his eyes, his teeth, how he talks, what he say, his jokes, next she considers, his job, his home, his mom, his friends (competition), his honesty (does he telephone call when he says he will) latter on. Sex, in my evaluation is always first on the man's mind and I don`t know some women, but women like to 'carry to know you first'. For women, the sexual act is ALL WE HAVE TO GIVE. Once i.e. gone - the man, however crude he may be, can move on to some other girl. It's a chase. The man who stays longer, is the man who has to dally for the sex. (unless the girl is giving money, or something else he needs within order to stay). Generally, women are initially attracted to other women as a curiosity. Sometimes in play and research about our bodies, girls may grip in a sexual exploration - but the over adjectives stance is that a female wishes the male. It's contained by the genes and workings of our creation. Men - the big strong hunter, kills and take home the meat to his woman. Woman - the weaker vessel - stays home and cares for the children and cooks the meat the big strong hunter brings home and take him to bed every night to show him how much she loves and appreciates him. Man - beat his chest at how many children he have produced and how his woman loves him. Makes him feel big and strong and competent to conquer the world. (this is not how it is - but it is how it 'WAS' - just read your history)

Why do women enjoy the urge to pee, after orgasm?!?

it's called one a heterosexual. It was the instrument God intended everyone to be, not a homo.

Health Problem-Wat's wrong with me?

Most of us are wired to be attracted to the conflicting sex, otherwise there would be no apology for sex to exist.

Can crying affect.?

well how will life progress on? obvioulsy the differnt sexes are atacted to each other and its essentially caledd instincts.

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