Tips for first sex?

I'm 22 and I've never had sex...I'm afraid...I'm dying...I give attention to I cant tolerat the pain of tear hymen..what can I do?

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Be sure to be well lubricated. Make sure you're next to a man you trust and love! Take it easy and slow, and communicate what you're response to your partner. Relax, because if you're tense or overly strung-up, you're less probable to enjoy yourself and you're more potential to have a bumpy first time. To help relax, hold a drink or two before mitt!

If you use tampons, you've probably already torn your hymen. In fact, even if you don't use tampons, you're probably already own torn your hymen. To check, insert one or two fingers into your vaginal entrance, if your hymen is intact, it should be within 2-3 centimeters from the entrance, and you'll perceive it. If you don't feel anything, you've already torn it.

As for spasm and bleeding, that really depends on the individual. Some girls report excruciating pain and lots of bleeding their first time, and some report no twinge or bleeding at all.

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Take your time and soak up it!! =)

i'am 42yrs old and i in recent times had my interval a week ago and i'am still spotting what could be the problem?

play some basketball or somethin. Read a book and relax. It's gonna happen when it happen. Be drunk if you have to avoid the headache but don't blame it on him later on.

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don't have sex..Only do it if you marry.

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It doesnt hurt that discouraging. Cramps hurt worse.

Just wondering because i have hear it alot?

honestly... give him a 5 min bloe commission, that will get his penis really damp, then own him enter you. It will hurt a little bit, but you will product him SOOOO happy. It wont hurt much and after the first few min you will approaching it

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relax, if your partner know it is your first time, your partner should be gentle.

tips so fingering doesnt hurt?

You may not be aware of anything. I was chock-a-block with the horror stories of my friends earlier my first time, but I had no aching at all. Expect some spotting for a daytime or two.

Women only?

Honestly it is a liitle sensitive but it only get better. It is definitely worth the strain of the first time.

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wow, you are retarted

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At 22, you really should experience no pain at adjectives. Just do LOTS of manual foreplay to bring ready, and be in motion slow. No reason for tjhe first experience not to be great.

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If you enjoy ever used tampons you already tore your hymen. You could have also tore your hymen by doing other endeavours like exercising, horse riding, stuff approaching that. My first time didn't even hurt.

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it's possible that even tho you are a virgin your hyman is no longer intact. by the age of 16 a girl has usually torn it anyways even short having sex. LOTS of things cleave a hyman. bike riding, exercise, and sometimes heavy flow of the extent.

i would make sure you are within a very committed relationship (maybe even marriage_) up to that time you have sex for the first time b/c you will want a man who will be remarkably sensitive to your fears.

Ummm, female orgasms are done how?

Your hymen have already probably been torn. If you've be athletic, if you've used tampons, if you've masturbated, etc.

Just relax. You'll enjoy it more if you aren't adjectives freaked out by it.

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its really not that it newly kind burns for a while i gusse just travel slowly cramps are much worse that tearing your hymen a short time ago do it safely and near some you love who will be gentle

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The time will come when you finally will, just don't stress over it and lurk for it if that is what you want to do...

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Relax. The more stressed about it you bring the more it's going to hurt. Just make sure your partner know you're a virgin and make sure you trust them completely. If he care about you, he will budge slowly and take his time. You can also buy a personal lubricant (don't use grease or body lotion, this can give you an infection) to brand him entering you easier.

Also, not all women experience aching when they have sex. For some it's painless, and for others it hurts, but across the world the pain freshly lasts a moment. You might be sore for rather while afterwards, but I found menstrual cramping hurt more than losing my virginity did.

Just relax, take it flowing and make sure the guy you pick is really special and care for you. Even if he's a virgin, too, you can both be gentle towards respectively other.

I havent gottne my period contained by 5 months. . . i am starting to get worried?

you wont be thinking something like it all that much when you are surrounded by the mood!! and maybe you will bleed and conceivably not . i didn't! it does hurt but not THAT bad! adjectives you need to do is relax... get sure you aren't dry down there when you do do it because it will kind it more hard to be in motion in!!

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The first time isn't confident. If you can learn to physically relax (like when have a pap smear done)it will help. Have some alcohol previously hand. Know and Trust the being you are planning to do this with. Make SURE he know it's your first time. People aren't born knowing how to enjoy sex. You own to learn and it can pocket years! Your hymen might already be broken. It doesn't take deeply for that to happen. If you are remarkably athletic, there is a kismet, it's been broken. If you are afraid, don't do it. Use a lubricant the first time. I close to K-Y warming polish. It's very crude, not greasy. Hope some of this has help. Just because you are 22, doesn't mean you hold to do anything your are not ready for.

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It's tough to utter if it'll hurt for you or not since it's different for everyone. For me it did hurt and there wasn't too much I could do in the order of it while it was up. Ask your guy to be gentle. If he know it's your first time and he's not a jerk after he will understand. If it cause you a lot of dull pain, I suggest to stop and take some tylenol. Wait a few days for the distress to go away and try again. It help to stretch your vagina because your vagina isn't used to having something voluminous stuck in it to say aloud it bluntly. It may hurt even your second or third time. Pretty soon it'll be better though, I promise.

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Stop worrying so much. The more you worry, the more it is going to hurt when you actually do it because you are going to be stressed and your muscles will be clenched. There is a very minimal amount of discomfort involved when your hymen rips. If you are well prepared for sex, you should narrowly notice it. Foreplay is switch, it will help relax you and draw from your natural lubrication going. Take things slow, take home sure you are ready, and you will do fine. Don't rush yourself, and don't consent to the guy rush you.

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