Vaginal Dryness & Pain 2?

Is vaginal dryness & pain adjectives in childish females? I'm only 17 so I doubt it is a menopausal thing. I also use plenty of lube but it is still often bleeding, and I dry out quikly. However, my fiance & I get to it after simply 5 minutes of foreplay. Is insufficient foreplay the case here?

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I would suggest chitchat to you doctor, if you are not comfortable with that and to some extent rely on advise of strangers, you shouldn't be have sex.

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insufficient boyfriend is the cause, come over here not a hundred percent show you how its done

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Sorry, never - EVER have that problem. I would talk to your doc. Your gonna hear that A LOT on here. It's gonna bring back on your nerves, but it's true. Your doc will prescribe you somethin.

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FIANCE ur 17 and engaged omg, and no thats not bring, every one is different , it could be because ur not "turned on" enough actully perchance if u try more foreplay it will work

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A collection of conditions can cause vaginal dryness. Determining the rationale is key to helping you find an appropriate solution. Potential cause include:

Decreased estrogen levels
Reduced estrogen levels are the main motivation of vaginal dryness. Estrogen, a female hormone, help keep vaginal tissue robust by maintaining common vaginal lubrication, tissue elasticity and acidity. These factor create a natural defense against vaginal and urinary tract infections. But when your estrogen level decrease, so does this inbred defense, leading to a thinner, smaller number elastic and more fragile vaginal inside layer.

Estrogen levels can leak for a number of reason:

Menopause or perimenopause
Effects on your ovaries from cancer therapy, including radiation psychiatric therapy, hormone therapy and chemotherapy
Surgical removal of your ovaries
Immune disorders
Cigarette smoking
Allergy and cold medication, as well as some antidepressants, can organize to dryness of mucous membranes, including those of your vagina.

Sjogren's syndrome
In this autoimmune disease, your immune system attacks healthy tissue. In extension to causing symptoms of dry eyes and dry mouth, Sjogren's syndrome can also motive vaginal dryness.

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If you use condoms, it drys you out more. Use KY Jelly to comfort.

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it is surely the early age problem.i construe u r much depressed could be the cause. but if the itching n dry ness go after few min. then zilch is harmful. if u want u can consult doctor. otherwise its middle-of-the-road to have dry vagina. single when a person get excited then vagina get that secretion which helps surrounded by easy coition.

Help me please?

Are you using condoms? You might own an allergic reaction to the latex contained by condoms.

More foreplay will allow you to become wetter in the vaginal strait so sex will be more comfortable. If you are really concerned, see the doctor for an evaluation.

I worded my last give somebody the third degree wrong, so here it goes again..?

You should probably stir to the doctor and see what is going on down there. It is nice to hear that things approaching that are normal, but it also could be something that isn't run of the mill that you should have checked out. Personally, I enjoy only hear about elder women having that problem, but it could be adjectives in girls as okay. You could try more foreplay, I don't know if it will help, but own him use his mouth. It feels really correct, and should help you out too.

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Is it approaching this EVERY time you have sex, or a moment ago sometimes? I know for me (and it's also common for a great deal of women) I get immensely very dry any right before or right after my spell. (It's hormonal.) If you're like this adjectives the time, go see your doctor and enjoy a complete blood panel done. It could be that you have a negative amount somewhere. I know a B-12 deficiency can raison d`??tre vaginal dryness.

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