What Age can a woman have a hysterectomy please as my stomach?

pain is so painful i'm 28 years old

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at hand is no specific age for a hysterectomy...doctors will take contained by to consideration ur symptoms..ur desire to have kids...niggle levels etc and desire the best intervention...this may not be hysterectomy straight away as there may be other considerations such as medication

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That's an impossible question to answer. Firstly we don't hold a clue what is wrong with you and secondly single your doctor can answer it, anyway!

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doctors usually skulk until you have a kid. they don't similar to to remove your organs until then but if you are within serious pain you could own one if you like. I enjoy a friend who had one at the age of 16 but she also have a huge tumor. So at any age jst talk to your doctor I don`t know there are other things that oyu might be capable of do to subside the pains.

Vaginial pain?

Are you seeing a doctor about this strain? A hysterectomy is a big operation and usually only advise as a last course of movement. I am sure your doctor can try other things before getting to that stage. Don't self-diagnose and sit nearby worrying!

diet question!!?

I be 31 when I got a hysterectomy. It be the best thing that I ever did. My mother be only 26 when she have hers. I think that your DR should be the one to determine if you necessitate on or not. you and your DR should discuss all of your option. The problem is you need to find the source of the twinge.

Girls advice pleaseHelp?!?!?

It doesnt show you need to through next to a hysterectomy, pls go speak to your doctor,

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Have you be checked for polycystic ovarian syndrome or fibroids? They both can cause greatly of pain. They enjoy methods now, surgically and medicinal to shrink fibroids, which is fairly common. Talk to your gynacologist roughly speaking an ultrasound and Good luck.

4 girls only Can I use.?

I have a hysterectomy at 29 years old.

Girls lone please?

I had my hysterectomy at 41 years feeble there`s no set age but dont think a hysterectomy is the answer to adjectives your problems you really need to own a hysterectomy before a doctor will put you forward for one
Go rear to your doctor he should send you for test to see whats going on with you

bedroom oblige?

I had one at 29, but have to go through several smaller surgeries, medication, and pregnancy before they considered the hysterectomy. please check near your doctor, and they will have to check also beside the insurance company, unfortunate, but the insurance will hold to approve first, that is what I run into. good luck

What happen during a womans period?

i a short time ago had a hysterectomy 2 weeks ago, i own suffered from abdominal pain for 15 years abd i am 29. I enjoy had ovarian cysts, endometriosis, and other stuff.the hysterectomy be the best thing i own done...so far. I feel great and merely 2 weeks to recover, it be laperscopic and i would recomend it to anyone. I also before this have what they call roller bubble...where they burn rotten the lining to your uterus so that you cant find prego or have a length...excellent idea if you are done have kids!

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I hope you have be to the doctor. Having a very bleak pain does not show you need a hysterectomy and if as you vote it is in your stomach it have nothing to do near your reproductive organs, which are in the belly. You are young-looking. Do something about the aching and go see your doctor

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