Just had to ask for help?

i just dont perceive pretty i mean ancestors always enlighten me i am pretty yet i freshly dont feel it i suffer from depression and merely ha 8 month old twins i want to have a feeling sexy yet its so knotty when i compare myself to all the striking women in t.v. and magazine i feel similar to i just cant even make the addition of up let alone compare does anyone own any suggestions for something i could do to make me grain better im not overweight just enjoy a little belly from the pregnancy nonetheless itas going away have shoulder length curls and my skin is okay i just want to look 100% at adjectives times please help

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You requirement a dose of reality here, and I'll pass it to you. Read on:

Your suffering from something that many women experience. You compare yourself to what you see contained by the media, and touch you can't compare to it all. And the extremely bad thing give or take a few it is, your right. And I'll tell you why: because your competing against FAKE similes. Thats right, all the pictures contained by the magazines and on covers are adjectives digitally retouched and computer enhanced to look the way they do.
But since my only just telling you probably won't breed you feel any better, I've included some links that prove what I'm clich??. I've There's also a link near some celebrities short makeup to show you that they aren't any different than anybody else. If these first links don't change your unharmed perspective on what you see in magazine, the last one will. You will realize that the pics you see surrounded by magazines that seem to be so beautiful are nil more than airbrushing and computer generated hocus-pocus. I hope this make you feel better!






And end but not least, a total article chock full of links that you can go to that enjoy many examples of how magazine photos are retouched.


Anyone primed for a quickie? Hope this helps! PS Got YA! Let me know what you assume. HA HA!?

First of babe, Please dont compare yourself to those ditzy "perfect" blondes on TV - it is a very vastly unrealistic portrayal of what they are actually close to, im sure if you had 3 makeup artists, work on you for upwards of 3 hours you would look of late as perfect as them, ever see celebs without here make-up on? not a pretty verbs - the worst thing you can do is compare yourself to them.

One entry im learning to do is To be relieved with myself, and love who i am, to surface not only confident withmyself but also Happy with who i am - Everyone have days where they look at themselves contained by the mirror - and go crap i look unpromising today, but you have to communicate yourself, well hey this is who i am

The single person your going to be next to for the rest of your life and be stuck next to - IS YOU! so its better sooner then then to get along beside yourself, and start to feel well about who YOU ARE!, i dont know you intuitively but im sure that you have alot of things in your existence to feel proud of (like your 8 month elderly twins), its just in the region of accepting yourself, you can take adjectives the anti-depressents you want, but its a psychological change you enjoy to make in yourself, to wake up soon, and get angry, say-so to yourself, You know what? im not going to deny myself of happiness, i enjoy alot to live for, i have things to OFFER, im a gorgeous person, you enjoy to make the silver from within yourself,

Make the judgment - dont deny yourself of living your life and thought down, you are worth it! and you certainly enjoy alot to offer!,

You can obviously talk to Psychologist which could lend a hand you, to get to why you be aware of the way you do almost yourself, to pin-point what it is that is making you perceive the way you do in the region of yourself, but really - its somthing that you can work out foryourself, if you feel you own a little bit of tubby around your belly, then do somthing around it - go to the gym, do things that sort you feel better almost yourself - if its eating a bit of chocolate or somthing, afterwards do it

We only Live once, you own a RIGHT to happiness, dont deny yourself

I Wish you luck - lift care

Girls PLease answer!?

why are you comparing yourself to the women you see on t.v.?
they dont look resembling that all the time, its adjectives the makeup and other crap they put on so people give attention to they look that way

lots of women acquire depressed after having a little one so your not alone out there.
I'm sure you are pretty but if you still come up with you are not then do little things to create yourself feel better
dress up for yourself, cart bubble baths - go otu and buy yourself some flowers anything to hold on to yourself upbeat and thinking positive.

i'm too young to hold white hair!! what do i do?it's solely one piece?

I have like problem that you do. I am always comparing myself to somebody else. Then i started thinking around this and i realized that when i am much elder that beauty will not issue anymore so i started to think that i would fairly be more focased on my health because specifically something that is going to be around hopefully long after my aesthetic fades. Everybody go threw this, even the people you chew over are the most beautiful of women. Have a wonderful day=)

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