Why am I urinating so much?

It just started overnight but similar to two three times a hour i have to progress pee and it is not just a tinkle. and for adjectives you smart 's I have simply hvae drank a glass of liquid.

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Did you eat anything unusual? Urination excretes toxins from the body.

Are you have any other symptoms? Frequent urination can be caused by pregnancy and diabetes.

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Urinary Tract Infection

A few questions..girls one and only?

you have diabetes


You may own an urinary tract infection. Your body is just getting rid of what it requirements to.

I'm 43 will i be going threw menopause soon and what are the symptoms?

hmmm, frequent urination is a sign of diabetes. do you feel fatigured/tired alot of the times? if so, you may want to gross a dr.s appointment to get tested.

Is it everyday to get premenstrual stiffness even though I am menopausal.?

somethings is wrong with your waterworks

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Sound like a urinary tract infection. You own to go to the doctor and check out of a sample. They will administer you antibiotics. It could get really rough if you don't take prudence of it soon. I get them adjectives of the time, so trust me on this one.

This is kind of dumb, but bothering me.?

Check next to your doctor. It is a symptom of diabetes for one. It could be a lot of things though, so better locked than sorry.

pleae answer my question!?

Either you are diabetic and your blood sugar is to soaring and you need to shift to the doctor, or you are pregnant and you should probably go to the doctor. Either will receive you pee like a racehorse. Ask your doctor.

strange bump on my vaginal and underarms .?

Is it possible you're pregnant? The first trimester sometimes have this symptom.

They say its cancer?

It could be several different things. The first thing that comes to mind is a urinary tract infection .. even a yeast infection could be cause irritation. The point is . is that something is not right with your body. Is near a reason you are not competent or willing to see a doctor in the order of this condition ? I would see a doctor. You can start by getting some basic information by going to this network site www.webmd.com Good luck ! :)

I'd like toooooooooooo..?

any providence you could be pregnant? exercising alot or anything? put in a search on the pattern or go to webmd and look beneath symptoms of possible causes for frequent urination.

This is pretty gross but.?

as you see here are quite a few reason, the best advice anyone could provide you GO TO A DOCTOR

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u may be dying, go see a doctor spur-of-the-moment!! before you pee to release

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Possible infection, or it could be a sign of diabetes. Get it checked out, just to rule those out.

getting pregnant next to PCOS is possible?

Could be a UTI or possibly diabetes. You need to see your doctor.He/she will filch a sample and trial your urine. Then you will know.

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