Is this a UTI (urinary tract infection)?

My stomach has be hurting on the sides, it is especially tender when I touch it. And my back have been have sharp pains every now and after. I also feel resembling and need to urinate, but not much comes out. But the unexpected part is that I also have a feeling increased sexual desire. Well, we have be having plentifully of sex lately but I don't feel fulfilled afterwards. I've also be having greatly of discharge and it smells different, but I don't know if that's from the sex or not. Well, I noticed it beforehand we started having lots of sex. I in recent times assumed it was from my birth control pills. Well, I haven't be feeling honest lately.

Why do they call it(serious question)?

Like Kris (above me) said this sounds more resembling something with the kidneys. If you don't own any kind of distress when urinating, I wouldn't think it would be a UTI, but I'm specifically not a doctor :) Just from personal experience with my own UTI's, I know that you consistency the urge to urinate much more frequently, and when you do urinate, not much comes out and it is very, extremely painful--atleast it was for me. Another symptom would be blood within the urine--you didn't mention anything about that, hopefully this is not a problem. Also, I never have any change contained by the discharge (like you had mentioned) while I have a UTI. Though I do know that my urine had a unnatural smell. Either way, kidney infections and UTI's can carry quite serious except treated--but you probably know that--so please see your doctor ASAP.

Hope I helped! Feel better soon :)

After my 2nd child i own stayed a steady size of 16, so I look pregnant again, how do i get rid of the lubricant?

Possibly a UTI but more than likely a yeast infection. Probablly a obedient idea to see your doctor, especially if it persist or gets worse. Good luck!

How can playing sports stop/delay a woman's interval?

If you are not able to pee to be exact a very fundamentally BAD sign. Please go to the doctor or the Emergency Room at once. Not being competent to pee is a symptom of kidney failure.


Can you PEE?

Possibly. Does it sting when you urinate too? I would outstandingly recommend seeing your gynecologist.

Which is better birthcontrol ~ A Sponge or Spermacide?

Sounds a lot more resembling a kidney infection to me. You are presenting with adjectives the symptoms of that rather than a UTI. You obligation to see your Dr. because there are trustworthy antibiotics used just for that, and it wont run away on it's own. Feel better.

Cervix and mons pubis related questions.?

The backbone and side pains part of this sounds approaching it could be a kidney problem, which is quite serious...

Question going on for rhinoplasty?

It could be. DIfficulty urinating is a sign. You need to see a doctor though because if it is a UTI, you'll obligation antibiotics.

why doesnt my gynecologist wear a mask?

It absolutely sounds like one. Go see your doctor.


kinda sounds resembling it, if it is you should drink cranberry juice, (not cocktail)...oh here's a home remedy i hear of too (people i know swear by it), but i haven't tried it myself yet. rob an alkaseltzler.

Brownish discharge, no smell, havent had sex, what could it be?

No issue what type of infection it is, you should stop intercourse or you can pass it on to your partner. Kidney infections hurt men even more. Go see a doctor. ANd drink some 100% cranberry liquid.

in what month should I stop making love to my pregnant wife?

It could be, could also be bladder infection. The downside is sex can give females both of these amazingly often. Make sure you urinate and verbs after every sexual encounter, it will reduce your likelihood of yeast infections, UTI's and bladder infections.

I didn't get my interval this month what could be wrong and I'm not pregant?

I wonder how old you are and if you've have children... I've had some of these same symptoms, and I've be to the doctor, and even a specialist. What the doctor said was that I inevitability to take this frail antibiotic before have intercourse, with2 large eyeglasses of water. I did that and it did lend a hand. I had ultrasounds and everything, but the specialist hit the pin on the head. I do suggest you see a doctor. It's particularly frustrating. really. I know what you're feeling and it's not perfect. Really; good luck next to this.

would comin of the pill make my belly strong n big.and would i get cramps adjectives over my belly.?

Oh yeah, it is. I had a UTI along beside a yeast infection AND a vaginal infection. I had them for roughly 3 months. I could never pee when I wanted to and get sharp pains when anything came out. It come from the sex, because a UTI is when your Kidneys stop being competent to filter out the bacteria for awhile, and their is germs in sex. But it have nothing to do near how well you verbs, your kidneys just can't filter it out and it builds up. Go to the doctor and achieve some pills for it, it will get better soon!

have anyone be about 2 months and the blood theory test still shows up negative?

It could be various things, such as a UTI, bladder infection, kidney infection, kidney stone, an STD, etc. You should be examined by a professional in order to find out what is really going on.

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