This is kind of dumb, but bothering me.?

My boyfriend and I don't use condoms. It's because it obviously feel soooo much better during intercourse than using them. If he pulls risky is it? && what is a better method that may have like peas in a pod effects as not wearing one be that wont be so risky to get pregnant?

Has anyone have Novasure done in the Dr.s bureau?

withdrawal is a risky form of contraception. you obligation to understand that men ejaculate semen course before orgasm. if you really can't risk getting pregnant, use birth control pill or an iud.

how does you body know when to get your extent?

just pulling is okay

5 year old near a thyroid disorder?

That's really risky. Why not speak to your doctor about other contraceptives that are available?

I can't plummet asleep.what can I do to relax (like breathing differently)?

birth control...

Decided not to get my depo shot final when will everything be back to commonplace?

The pill.

What was your experience..?Girls just please?

anal sex

pulling out cna still get you pregnat

Certain dri?

you better do more research! you are asking for it!

Has anyone out near ever had a cyst contained by their breast?

use your mouth it helps

Does it hurt really unpromising for most women the first time they have sex, or freshly a little bit?

What's dumb is not anyone protected. If you don't want to risk getting pregnant, you have 2 option. Use a condom or absenance!

infections in breasts?

You want to know what they call populace who use your method of birth control...parents.

Is my discharge normal?

it's highly risky, you should go on birth control

Early length?

Well when you are not using them you are risking a lot. You could bring back pregnant or get desises.

Females with the sole purpose - what does it mean if u go and get "hard" panties?

even if your boyfriend pulls out men still have ejaculation. the best is not to own intercourse 12 to 18 days after period because this is ovulation time usually

Blood clot?

There are track too many other choices of birth control that are available for you to trust the 'verbs out' method which is highly unreliable because those little sperm can swim really, really hurriedly and they ARE in pre-ejaculate! Check your local strength department - some give out free foam, and birth control pills at a reduced rate.

I craving you well!

Can someone supply me some websites on girls masturbating?

There are many option - but the one you're practicing is the one most likely to result within pregnancy or spread of disease. If a condom is out of the question, try the pill, spermicide, or cross your legs.

Personally, I go with a vasectomy. Ta da - no pregnencies. Of course, I wait until after we had the two we needed before we did this.

Broken hymen?

OMG pulling out is the worst entity you could do. You might as well own him in you. Go to planned motherhood and get on the pill or use the sponge. What you spend on i.e. a lot cheaper than what you will be spending for an abortion or a child.


I guess the request for information that you have to answer is how fitting is it going to feel when you own a baby surrounded by the next room that you own been up near every two hours feeding when you could hold prevented all of that until you be ready for that benevolent of committment? Is it worth the stress of worrying about not have protection for the "feel"?

You should do a bit of researching about different positions that would increase the competence of your "time" together until you are ready to in truth have children. If this guy care about you, he wouldn't be have sex with you short protection. That is the adult choice contained by my opinion. You are simply making your life a hell of greatly more difficult than it needs to be.

For you females just!?

I heard of something call the nuva ring. It is inserted into the vagina, and it releases hormones that prevent pregnancy, along with destroying oncoming sperm. Be thorough with the renunciation method. There is still sperm in the pre ejaculate fluid. My boyfriend thought that the method be okay, but I still got pregnant. Don't believe anyone that tell you that the withdrawal method is 100 percent successful.

What is AIDS?

It's pretty risky. You have a 1 surrounded by 4 chance of getting pregnant this agency. There are lots of other things you can do from your side to prevent things - sponges, which you can get over the counter, is just about a 16% chance. IUDs, provided by a Dr. are resembling a .1% chance (better than the pill - 8% chance). These are adjectives based on typical usage. I importantly recommend you do something if you're not wanting to have a child. They are too precious.

Is it harmful to have sex multiple times until that time having kid ?

Pulling out is probably the riskiest form of birth control, subsequent to doing absolutely nought. There are several other forms of birth control that you could consider:

Hormonal methods:
Birth control pills
IUD (non-hormonal forms also available)
Hormone injections
Vaginal ring
Contraceptive patch

Barrier (non-hormonal) methods:
Cervical cap

Periodic abstinence

If you would like any specific information roughly speaking any of these, just ask for clarification. Best of luck!

Morning After Pill?

Without a condom,does it really consistency any different for a woman?I doubt it,mainly the difference within the feeling is on the man's side.So if your boyfriend is making you believe that short is so much better for the both of you,hes full of it.Hes being thoughtless and lazy.How desperate do you want to get knock up?Because the method your using will be a mom soon.Do your self a favor,bring up to date your man to wrap his rascal,for the time man,until you can figure out a better method suited for you both(birth control pills,iud,spermicidal lotions,birth control patch).If he have a problem with that,it vehicle he doesn't really care a bit nearly you or your future.

What is foreplay or 4play or w/e?

well you single get 100% risk of STDs and Pregnancy....

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