Girls only please! What should I do?

What should I do? I went to the doctor for a check up, and he notice that my chart said I had have two ruptured cysts in the finishing year, and he asked if before this year own I had trouble beside cysts or anything. I told him that yes I have have trouble with cysts for almost the past 15 years. Almost since I started have my menstrual cycle. He arranged some different tests. He said he notably recommends that I capture a hysterectomy, but I’m kinda scared what should I do?

Yasmin and anxiety.?

There are other treatments to try up to that time doing something so traumatic such as cyst drainage or sometimes even hormones, get a second feelings.

Doctors! Would it be okay if I took birth control although I got my tubes tied?

get a second feelings girl!

Whats a?

I would suggest you get a second opionion and ask your doctor what are adjectives of your options.

I purely had my little girl on 3-21-07..Yehhh. I am breast feed her. Is it ok to lay in the tanning bed?

Get a second judgment first before you do anything beside a doctor. A hystorectomy is a big deal and earlier you go to and do it you should see another doctor just about it.

Why in 7th position are girls either really skinny or really curvy?

You don't say your age, if you've have children. I hope you are seeing a gynecologist, not only a line doctor. If so, good. If not, draw from referred to one, or a few - have you have all kind of tests approaching ultrasound? I think you stipulation much more information.

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Always get a second inference, especially if he is saying for you to hold surgery.

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