IS doucheing(?) accurate for you?

Is doucheing(?) good for you? a doctor said no but then if it wasnt angelic for you why is it there? it must do something

Im 12 and my boobs ?

Doctors say it's not appropriate to douche to much. You can douche but not too much you will wash away your nature fluids if you douche to much and that's not a perfect thing. But it's okay to use a douche every now and after to stay fresh or after sex. You can also use "Noraforms" they are good to use and you just insert them into your vagina and they work okay. I use them also to stay fresh. Check you local Walmart for them.

Period HELP!!?

i asked the same Q to my gyn and she said that she doesnt recommend it because it can destroy the majority flora in the vagina.

Help plz girls with the sole purpose!?

it's not good. It's at hand because people are weird. Don't douche.

I dont really similar to it when...?

It merely cleans you out physically is all. it doesnt make u in good health or anything.

A woman ask in the order of spotting?

Pregnancy Test?
Taking Antibiotics beside no manifest infection for PMT and PMS?
Girls answer...Pleasure or Protection?
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