They say its cancer?

im 24 with 3kids be married for years and my hubands mother died of cancer i had a songrem done 4/8/07 doc come in sheet white and said he have never seen so copious cysts in one nouns in his energy one on my right overie is 2.8cm wide and the other have cysts all ove it and i hold cysts all over my urtius and cirvics im so upset ive had cancer when i be 15 im scared that im not gunna be ok this time i own so much to live for...should i get a second or 3rd doctor to check it out? i cant walk through this agian i just makeing me cry more and more i dont wanna die.i requirement adviced to help me reflect on and stay postive bout this..any cancer sirvors please help me out here .(sorry my spelling ain that great when im crying ot upset.

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Sounds like poly cystic ovarian syndrome. You won't die from it, but it can produce infertility, which doesn't seem to be a problem near you. Were you on birth control pills before you started have kids?
Birth control pills inhibit the growth of the cysts. If you have PCOS later you will probably be put on birth control pills. I wouldn't worry until you know the results of the exam. PCOS is fairly adjectives and can be treated, but it is not cured unless you have a hysterectomy. They probably won't suggest this until you are somewhat older unless it is an extremely severe skin.
Good Luck, and I hope it all works out positively surrounded by the end!

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personally i dnt know how to answer this but i grain extremly bad for you and your household get a few doctor opions not of late one there other is a chance that they messed up! but please hang on to us all posted so we know how you are!

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a short time ago because you have cysts doesnt close-fisted they are cancerous. did your doctor have any of them biopsied? you definetly call for to get a second evaluation. did the doctor say it be cancerous? you may be jumping to conclusions almost it even being cancer. dance to a different gyno and get everything biopsied. you may inevitability a hysterectomy. but that doesnt mean you enjoy cancer.

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My mum has cancer i just 12 but shes going to be ok so thats all that matter all u own to do is faith within ur self and god every thing happen for a reason.

This lone happens to erratic people and u are the chossen pne dont verbs if u have satisfactory faith the u and ur house will battle through it dont verbs ok its best for u to be strong dont let ur self dance down please have belief.

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maybe you should receive it checked again just incase.. thats not much but hope it help a lilttle.

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I'm so sorry you're going through should manifestly get a second judgment and a CA125 test (I'm sure the doc have already ordered this) You use the word "cysts", but simple cysts (a fluid filled cyst next to no solid components) are generally not malignant. However cysts that contain both fluid and solid components are more concerning. And I know you're really upset, but when you articulate to your doc again confirm that it's cysts on your uterus and cervix, because that sounds sort of unusal to me. Best case scenerio is that the "lesions" on the uterus and cervix are only just fibroids which is a benign condition and that the cysts on the ovaries are due to Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome, which is also a benign condition. I wish you adjectives the best.

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The cyst and tumor are two different things. Also tumors can be bening and malignant. The cyst is packed with fluid. So if doc said it is cyst and did not voice anything about malignancy, cancer or things close to that, cheer up. I bet it is really scary... I have a thyroid cancer removed last year, and I hope it did not come posterior... I would go to GYN/OB for a ultrasound and confer to a real professional . I hope everything will be fine...

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It is your mother within law who died of cancer not your mother, so not surrounded by the history of your family. My sister and my sister contained by law both have some cysts on the ovary both undergo surgery, I come up with that was more than 10 years ago, it wasn.t cancer. If the doctor own to remove the ovary then fine, in recent times like the doctor did to my sis and surrounded by law, next everything went subsidise to normal, Get a second judgment, ask the doctor what is the best thing to do, transmit him/her to explain to you his findings. And pray a lot, enjoy faith and hold courage to live not for yourself but for your kids.

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